The Paradigm Dialog/

The Paradigm Dialog/ Guba, Egon G. [ed.] - Los angeles: SAGE Publications, Inc, 1990-10-01. - 424

Part I: Setting the Stage
1. The Alternative Paradigm £>ia]og
EgonG. Guba 17
Part II: Points of \ievt
2. Postpositivistic Science: Myths and Realities
Denis C Phillips 31
3. Whose Future? Whose Past? Notes on Critical
Theory and Methodology
Thomas S. Popkewitz 46
4. The Making of a Constructivist: A Remembrance
of Transformations Past
Yvonna S. Lincoln 67
5. The Meaning of Alternative Paradigms for Practice
Elliot W. Eisner 88
Part ni: The Need for Dialog:
Issues and Interpretations
6. Accommodation: Toward a Paradigm-Praxis Dialectic
William A. Firestone 105
7. Social Accommodation: Toward a Dialogical
Discourse in Educational Inquiry
Thomas M. Skrtic 125
8. Discussion on Accommodation
Ann Austin 136
9. Ethics, Field Studies, and the Paradigm Crisis
Louis M. Smith 139
10. An Ethics of Qualitative Field Studies
Ernest R. House 158
11. Discussion on Ethics
Thomas B. Gregory 165
12. Alternative Research Paradigms and the Problem
of Criteria
John K. Smith 167
13. Goodness Criteria: Are They Objective
or Judgment Calls?
Catherine Marshall 188
14. Discussion on Criteria
Louis Heshusius 198
15. Toward a Dialog About Implementation Within a
Conceptual Cycle of Inquiry
Judith L. Green and Susanne Chandler 202
16. Peering at Paradigms Through the Prism of
Practice Improvement
David P. Crandall 216
17. Discussion on Implementation
Corrine Glesne 225
18. Three Views on the Nature and Role of
Knowledge in Social Science
Jennifer C. Greene 227
19. Emergent Paradigms: How New? How Necessary?
Margaret D. LeCompte 246
20. Discussion on Knowledge Accumulation
Judith Preissle Goetz 256
21,. Paths to Inquiry in the Social Disciplines:
Scientific, Constructivist, and Critical
Theory Methodologies
Thomas R. Schwandt 258
22. Ruminations on Methodology: Of Truth and
Gail McCutcheon 277
23. Discussion on Methodology
Marion Lundy Dobbert 286
24. So-Called Training in the So-Called
Alternative Paradigm
Shulanut Reinharz 290
25. A Resp>onse to So-Called Training in the
So-Called Alternative Paradigm: Reactions to the
Dark Half
Jeri R. Nowakowski 303
26. Discussion on Training
Judy Barford 312
27. Reinscribing Otherwise: The Play of
Values in the Practices of the
Human Sciences
Patti A. Lather 315
28. Show-and-Tell: A Response to the Value
Issue in Alternative Paradigms for Inquiry
Madeleine Grumet 333
29. Discussion on Values
John P. Beck 343
Part rV: Summation and Projection
30. A Postnote: Tales from the Rear
Alan Peshkin 347
31. Next Steps: The Auditor's Report
Harbans S. Bhola 360
32. Carrying on the Dialog
Egon G. Guba 368


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