The Yoga book: A practical Guide To self realization/

Sturges, Stephen

The Yoga book: A practical Guide To self realization/ Stephen Sturges - New Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 2007. - 302 p.

What Is Yoga? Foreword by Sri Kriyananda
1 The Subtle Bodies and the Chakras
The Physical Body
The Astral Body
The Causal Body
The Soul
The Chakras; Your Inner Universe
Locating the Chakras
2 Yama
Ashtanga Yoga: The Eight Limbs of Yoga
The Relationship between Yama and Niyama
The Principl es and Practice of Yama
Ahimsa: Non-violence, Non-injury, Non-harming
Satya: Non-lying, Truthfulness
Asteya: Non-stealing
Brahmacharya: Non-sensuality
Aparigraba: Non-attachment, Non-greed
3 Niyama
Saucha: Cleanliness, Purity
Santosha: Contentment
Tapas: Austerity
Svadhaja: Self-study
Isvarapranidhana: Surrender to God
4 Asana
What is Hatha Yoga?
Fasting for Purification
The Ycgic Diet
5 franayama
Prana, the Vital Energy of the Universe
The Five Life-Forces of the Body
Guidelines for the Practice of Pranayama
Swara Yoga
Four Different Methods of Breathing
Hand Mudras for controlling the breath
Pranayama Techniques
Pranic Healing
6 Pratyahara
The Senses
The Practice of Pratyahara
7 Dharana
Achieving Dharana
Interiorizing and Concentrating the Mind
Other Techniques that Help Concentration
Why We Need to Meditate
The Practice of Meditation
Kriya Yoga: An Advanced Spiritual Accelerator
The Difference Between Meditation (Dbjana)
and Samadhi
The Stages of Samadhi


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