Guide to yeast genetics and molecular and cell biology / edited by Christine guthrie, Gerald R. Fink
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Central Library, Sikkim University General Book Section | 589.2330415 GUT/G (Browse shelf(Opens below)) | Available | 44762 |
Section I. Basic Methods of Yeast Genetics
Getting Started with Yeast
Mieronianipulation and Disseetion of Asei
Mapping Yeast Genes
Positional Mapping of Genes by Chromosome
Blotting and Chromosome Fragmentation
Assay of Yeast Mating Reaetion
Monitoring Meiosis and Sporulation in
Sacch wmyi c.v cen'\'isiae
Identifying Sporulation Genes, Visualizing
Synaptonemal Complexes, and Large-Seale
Spore and Spore Wall Purification
Putting the HO Gene to Work: Practical Uses
for Mating-Type Switching
Spore Enrichment
Analysis and Manipulation of Yeast
Mitochondrial Genes
Fri;o Siit:RNtAN
FRt;t) SlItiRNtAN ANt)
JAMt;s Hicks
FRt:tl SlttiRMAN ANtl
PAl't, WAKt-lNt
CARt.A CONNtU.t.Y, ANt) Htin tiR
GliORc.t-: F. St>RAcuit;, Jr.
Yona Kassir and
Rocni;t.t.ti Easton Espostro.
MiciiAtit. Dri:ssi-r. and
Ira Ht^RSKowiT?. and
Robert E. Jensen
Beth RocKMitJ..
Eric J. Lambie, and
G. Shirleen Roeder
Thomas D. Fox,
LtNDA S. Folley,
Thomas W. McMullin,
Peter E. Thorsness,
Lars O. Hedin, and
MARtA C. Costanzo
Section II. Cloning and Recombinant DNA
DNA of Saccharomyces cerevixiae Peter Philippsen,
Agathe Stotz. and
Christine Sc-herf
High-Efficiency Transformation of Yeast by Elec- Daniel M. Becker and
troporation Leonard Gdarente
Transmission of Plasmid DNA to Yeast by Conju- Jack A. Heinemann and
gation with Bacteria George F. Sprague, Jr.
Qoning Genes by Complementation in Yeast Mark D. Rose and
James R. Broach
Gene Isolation with Agtl I System Richard A. Young and
Ronald W. Davis
Gene Overexpression in Studies of Saccharomyces Jasper Rine
Preparation of Clone Libraries in Yeast Artificial- David T. Burke
Chromosome Vectors and Mavnard V. Olson
Section III. Making Mutants
Classical Mutagenesis Techniques Christopher W. Lawrence
Targeting, Disruption, Replacement, and Allele Rodney Rothstein
Rescue: Integrative DNA Transformation in
In Vitro Mutagenesis and Plasmid Shuffling: From Robert S. Sikorski and
Cloned Gene to Mutant Yeast Jef D. Boeke
Recovery of Plasmids from Yeast into Escherichia Jeffrey N. Strathern and
coli: Shuttle Vectors David R. Higgins
Shuttle Mutagenesis: Bacterial Transposons for Merl F. Hoekstra,
Genetic Manipulations in Yeast H. Steven Seifert,
Jac Nickoloff, and
Fred Heffron
Ty Mutagenesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae David J. Garfinkel and
Jeffrey N. Strathern
Transformation of Yeast Directly with Synthetic Richard P. Moerschell,
Oligonucleotides Goutam Das, and
Fred Sherman
Section IV. Biochemistry of Gene Expression
Vanore for Expression of Goned Genes in Yeast: Jane C. Schneider and
Regulation. Overproduction, and Underproduc- Leonard Guarente
Vectors for Constitutive and Inducible Gene Ex- Mark Schena,
pression in Yeast Didier Picard, and
Keith R. Yamamoto
Preparation of High Molecular Weight RNA Karl KOhrer and
Horst Domdey
Preparation and Analysis of Low Molecular Jo Ann Wise
Weight RNAs and Small Ribonucleoproteins
Measurement of mRNA Decay Rates in Saccharo- Roy Parker,
myces cerevisiae David Herrick,
Stuart W. Peltz, and
Allan Jacobson
Labeling of RNA and Phosphoproteins in Sacchar- Jonathan R. Warner
omyces cerevisiae
Tackling the Protease Problem in Saccharomyces Elizabeth W. Jones
Structural and Functional Analysis of Yeast Ribo- H. A. RAUfe,
somal Proteins W. H. Mager, and
R. J. Planta
High-Expression Vectors with Multiple Goning T. J. Koerner,
Sites for Construction of trpE Fusion Genes: John E. Hill,
pATH Vectors Alan M. Myers, and
Alexander Tzagoloff
Production of Proteins by Secretion from Yeast Donald T. Moir and
Lance S. Davidow
Epitope Tagging and Protein Surveillance Peter A. Kolodziej and
Richard A. Young
Reverse Biochemistry: Methods and Applications Kevin Struhl
for Synthesizing Yeast Proteins in Vitro
In Vitro Protein Synthesis Michael J. Leibowitz,
Francis P. Barbone, and
Denise E. Georgopoulos
RNA Polymerase II Transcription in Vitro Neal F. Lue
Peter M. Flanagan,
Raymond J. Kelleher III,
Aled M. Edwards, and
Roger D. Kornberg
Direct Sequence and Footprint Analysis of Yeast Jon M. Huibrectse and
DNA by Primer Extension David R. Engelke
Section V. Cell Biology
Immunofluorescence Methods for Yeast John R. Prinole.
Alison E. M. Adams.
David G. Drubin, and
Brian K. Haarer
Preparation of Yeast Cells for Thin-Section Elix- Breck Byers and
tron Microscopy Loretta Goetsch
Immunogold Labeling of Yeast Ultrathin Sections Michael W. Clark
Analysis of Mitochondrial Function and Assembly Michael P. Yaffe
Methods for Studying the Yeast Vacuole Christopher J. Roberts,
Christopher K. Raymond,
Carl T. Yamashiro, and
Tom H. Stevens
Analysis of Polypeptide Transit through Yeast Se- Alex Franzusoff,
cretory Pathway Jonathan Rothblatt, and
Randy Schekman
In Vitro Protein Translocation across Microsomal Pablo D. Garcia,
Membranes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae William Hansen, and
Peter Walter
Analysis of Glycoproteins from Saccharomyces P. Orlean,
cerevisiae j Kuranda, and
C. F. Albright
Yeast Endocytosis Assays Vjekoslav Dulic,
Mark Egerton,
Ibrahim Elguindi,
Susan Raths,
Birgit Singer, and
Howard Riezman
Inducing and Assaying Heat-Shock Response in Charles M. Nicolet and
Saccharomyces cerevisiae Elizabeth A. Craig
Nucleolar-Sprafic Positive Stains for Optical and Michael W. Clark
Electron Microscopy
Stoning of AcUn with Fluorochrome-Conjugated Alison E. M. Adams and
P^^oidin JohnRPringle
Staining of Bud Scars and Other Cell Wall Chitin John R. Pringle
with Calcofluor
Isolation of Yeast Nuclei John P. Aris and
GOnter Blobel
Analysis of Chromosome Segregation in Saccharo- James H. Sherd,
myces cerevisiae Michael Koval,
Forrest Spencer,
Robert E. Palmer,
Philip Hieter, and
Douglas Koshland
Genetic Screens and Selections for Cell and Nu- Vivian Berlin,
clear Fusion Mutants Julie A. Brill,
Joshua Trueheart,
Jef D. Boeke, and
Gerald R. FInk
Section VI. Fission Yeast
Molecular Genetic Analysis of Fission Yeast Schi- Sergio Moreno,
zosaccharomyces pombe Amar Klar, and
Paul Nurse
Section VII. Appendix
Genetic and Physical Maps of Saccharomyces cere- Robert K. Mortimer,
visia David Schild,
C. Rebecca Contopoulou,
AND Jonathan A. Kans
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