Formatted contents note |
Section I. Basic Methods of Yeast Genetics<br/>Getting Started with Yeast<br/>Mieronianipulation and Disseetion of Asei<br/>Mapping Yeast Genes<br/>Positional Mapping of Genes by Chromosome<br/>Blotting and Chromosome Fragmentation<br/>Assay of Yeast Mating Reaetion<br/>Monitoring Meiosis and Sporulation in<br/>Sacch wmyi c.v cen'\'isiae<br/>Identifying Sporulation Genes, Visualizing<br/>Synaptonemal Complexes, and Large-Seale<br/>Spore and Spore Wall Purification<br/>Putting the HO Gene to Work: Practical Uses<br/>for Mating-Type Switching<br/>Spore Enrichment<br/>Analysis and Manipulation of Yeast<br/>Mitochondrial Genes<br/>Fri;o Siit:RNtAN<br/>FRt;t) SlItiRNtAN ANt)<br/>JAMt;s Hicks<br/>FRt:tl SlttiRMAN ANtl<br/>PAl't, WAKt-lNt<br/>SANtlRA L. Gt:RRtNC:.<br/>CARt.A CONNtU.t.Y, ANt)<br/> Htin tiR<br/>GliORc.t-: F. St>RAcuit;, Jr.<br/>Yona Kassir and<br/>GtORA StMCtlt-N<br/>Rocni;t.t.ti Easton Espostro.<br/>MiciiAtit. Dri:ssi-r. and<br/>MtCtlAEt. BRKITt-NBACll<br/>Ira Ht^RSKowiT?. and<br/>Robert E. Jensen<br/>Beth RocKMitJ..<br/>Eric J. Lambie, and<br/>G. Shirleen Roeder<br/>Thomas D. Fox,<br/>LtNDA S. Folley,<br/>JULtO J. Mut,ERO,<br/>Thomas W. McMullin,<br/>Peter E. Thorsness,<br/>Lars O. Hedin, and<br/>MARtA C. Costanzo<br/>Section II. Cloning and Recombinant DNA<br/>DNA of Saccharomyces cerevixiae Peter Philippsen,<br/>Agathe Stotz. and<br/>Christine Sc-herf<br/>High-Efficiency Transformation of Yeast by Elec- Daniel M. Becker and<br/>troporation Leonard Gdarente<br/>Transmission of Plasmid DNA to Yeast by Conju- Jack A. Heinemann and<br/>gation with Bacteria George F. Sprague, Jr.<br/>Qoning Genes by Complementation in Yeast Mark D. Rose and<br/>James R. Broach<br/>Gene Isolation with Agtl I System Richard A. Young and<br/>Ronald W. Davis<br/>Gene Overexpression in Studies of Saccharomyces Jasper Rine<br/>cerevisiae<br/>Preparation of Clone Libraries in Yeast Artificial- David T. Burke<br/>Chromosome Vectors and Mavnard V. Olson<br/>Section III. Making Mutants<br/>Classical Mutagenesis Techniques Christopher W. Lawrence<br/>Targeting, Disruption, Replacement, and Allele Rodney Rothstein<br/>Rescue: Integrative DNA Transformation in<br/>Yeast<br/>In Vitro Mutagenesis and Plasmid Shuffling: From Robert S. Sikorski and<br/>Cloned Gene to Mutant Yeast Jef D. Boeke<br/>Recovery of Plasmids from Yeast into Escherichia Jeffrey N. Strathern and<br/>coli: Shuttle Vectors David R. Higgins<br/>Shuttle Mutagenesis: Bacterial Transposons for Merl F. Hoekstra,<br/>Genetic Manipulations in Yeast H. Steven Seifert,<br/>Jac Nickoloff, and<br/>Fred Heffron<br/>Ty Mutagenesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae David J. Garfinkel and<br/>Jeffrey N. Strathern<br/>Transformation of Yeast Directly with Synthetic Richard P. Moerschell,<br/>Oligonucleotides Goutam Das, and<br/>Fred Sherman<br/>Section IV. Biochemistry of Gene Expression<br/>Vanore for Expression of Goned Genes in Yeast: Jane C. Schneider and<br/>Regulation. Overproduction, and Underproduc- Leonard Guarente<br/>tion<br/>Vectors for Constitutive and Inducible Gene Ex- Mark Schena,<br/>pression in Yeast Didier Picard, and<br/>Keith R. Yamamoto<br/>Preparation of High Molecular Weight RNA Karl KOhrer and<br/>Horst Domdey<br/>Preparation and Analysis of Low Molecular Jo Ann Wise<br/>Weight RNAs and Small Ribonucleoproteins<br/>Measurement of mRNA Decay Rates in Saccharo- Roy Parker,<br/>myces cerevisiae David Herrick,<br/>Stuart W. Peltz, and<br/>Allan Jacobson<br/>Labeling of RNA and Phosphoproteins in Sacchar- Jonathan R. Warner<br/>omyces cerevisiae<br/>Tackling the Protease Problem in Saccharomyces Elizabeth W. Jones<br/>cerevisiae<br/>Structural and Functional Analysis of Yeast Ribo- H. A. RAUfe,<br/>somal Proteins W. H. Mager, and<br/>R. J. Planta<br/>High-Expression Vectors with Multiple Goning T. J. Koerner,<br/>Sites for Construction of trpE Fusion Genes: John E. Hill,<br/>pATH Vectors Alan M. Myers, and<br/>Alexander Tzagoloff<br/>Production of Proteins by Secretion from Yeast Donald T. Moir and<br/>Lance S. Davidow<br/>Epitope Tagging and Protein Surveillance Peter A. Kolodziej and<br/>Richard A. Young<br/>Reverse Biochemistry: Methods and Applications Kevin Struhl<br/>for Synthesizing Yeast Proteins in Vitro<br/>In Vitro Protein Synthesis Michael J. Leibowitz,<br/>Francis P. Barbone, and<br/>Denise E. Georgopoulos<br/>RNA Polymerase II Transcription in Vitro Neal F. Lue<br/>Peter M. Flanagan,<br/>Raymond J. Kelleher III,<br/>Aled M. Edwards, and<br/>Roger D. Kornberg<br/>Direct Sequence and Footprint Analysis of Yeast Jon M. Huibrectse and<br/>DNA by Primer Extension David R. Engelke<br/>Section V. Cell Biology<br/>Immunofluorescence Methods for Yeast John R. Prinole.<br/>Alison E. M. Adams.<br/>David G. Drubin, and<br/>Brian K. Haarer<br/>Preparation of Yeast Cells for Thin-Section Elix- Breck Byers and<br/>tron Microscopy Loretta Goetsch<br/>Immunogold Labeling of Yeast Ultrathin Sections Michael W. Clark<br/>Analysis of Mitochondrial Function and Assembly Michael P. Yaffe<br/>Methods for Studying the Yeast Vacuole Christopher J. Roberts,<br/>Christopher K. Raymond,<br/>Carl T. Yamashiro, and<br/>Tom H. Stevens<br/>Analysis of Polypeptide Transit through Yeast Se- Alex Franzusoff,<br/>cretory Pathway Jonathan Rothblatt, and<br/>Randy Schekman<br/>In Vitro Protein Translocation across Microsomal Pablo D. Garcia,<br/>Membranes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae William Hansen, and<br/>Peter Walter<br/>Analysis of Glycoproteins from Saccharomyces P. Orlean,<br/>cerevisiae j Kuranda, and<br/>C. F. Albright<br/>Yeast Endocytosis Assays Vjekoslav Dulic,<br/>Mark Egerton,<br/>Ibrahim Elguindi,<br/>Susan Raths,<br/>Birgit Singer, and<br/>Howard Riezman<br/>Inducing and Assaying Heat-Shock Response in Charles M. Nicolet and<br/>Saccharomyces cerevisiae Elizabeth A. Craig<br/>Nucleolar-Sprafic Positive Stains for Optical and Michael W. Clark<br/>Electron Microscopy<br/>Stoning of AcUn with Fluorochrome-Conjugated Alison E. M. Adams and<br/>P^^oidin JohnRPringle<br/>Staining of Bud Scars and Other Cell Wall Chitin John R. Pringle<br/>with Calcofluor<br/>Isolation of Yeast Nuclei John P. Aris and<br/>GOnter Blobel<br/>Analysis of Chromosome Segregation in Saccharo- James H. Sherd,<br/>myces cerevisiae Michael Koval,<br/>Forrest Spencer,<br/>Robert E. Palmer,<br/>Philip Hieter, and<br/>Douglas Koshland<br/>Genetic Screens and Selections for Cell and Nu- Vivian Berlin,<br/>clear Fusion Mutants Julie A. Brill,<br/>Joshua Trueheart,<br/>Jef D. Boeke, and<br/>Gerald R. FInk<br/>Section VI. Fission Yeast<br/>Molecular Genetic Analysis of Fission Yeast Schi- Sergio Moreno,<br/>zosaccharomyces pombe Amar Klar, and<br/>Paul Nurse<br/>Section VII. Appendix<br/>Genetic and Physical Maps of Saccharomyces cere- Robert K. Mortimer,<br/>visia David Schild,<br/>C. Rebecca Contopoulou,<br/>AND Jonathan A. Kans |