21st century communication: A reference handbook/

21st century communication: A reference handbook/ edited by William F. Eadie. - Los Angeles: Sage, 2009.

PART I. The discipline of communication. Communication as an Idea and as an Ideal --
Communication as a Field and as a Discipline --
The Speech Tradition --
The Journalism Tradition. PART II. Approaches to the study of communication. Philosophical Approaches to Communication --
Rhetorical and Textual Approaches to Communication --
Quantitative Approaches to Communication Research --
Qualitative, Ethnographic, and Performative Approaches to Communication --
Critical/Cultural Approaches to Communication --
Feminist Approaches to Communication --
Queer Approaches to Communication. PART III. Key processes of communication. Message Construction and Editing --
Cognition and Information Processing --
Perspective Taking, Adaptation, and Coordination --
Social Construction --
Listening, Understanding, and Misunderstanding --
Performance and Storytelling --
Persuasion and Compliance Gaining --
Identity as Constituted in Communication. PART IV. Forms and types of communication. Conversation, Dialogue, and Discourse --
Interviewing --
Public Speaking --
Deliberation, Debate, and Decision Making --
Conflict Management and Mediation --
Visual Rhetoric --
Memorials and Other Forms of Collective Memory. PART V. Key characteristics of messages. The Interplay of Verbal and Nonverbal Codes --
Rhetorical Style --
Genre --
Dramatic Elements in Messages --
Rhetorical Exigency, Strategy, and Argumentation --
Social Support. PART VI. Key communication relationships. Spouses and Other Intimate Partnerships --
Children, Parents, and Grandparents --
Friends --
Dating and Romantic Partners --
Supervisors, Subordinates, and Coworkers --
Social Groups, Workgroups, and Teams --
Students and Teachers --
Patients, Doctors, and Other Helping Relationships. PART VII. Factors affecting communication. Gender --
Ethnicity --
Sexual Orientation --
Culture --
Risk --
Freedom of Expression --
Globalization. PART VIII. Challenges and opportunities for communication. Ethical and Unethical Communication --
Competent and Incompetent Communication --
Unwanted Communication, Aggression, and Abuse --
Sexual Harassment --
Deception --
Bias. PART IX. Media as communication. Traditional and New Media --
Media Portrayals and Representations --
Media Uses and Gratifications --
Agenda Setting and Framing --
Cultivation and Media Exposure --
Virtual Reality and Presence --
Computer-Mediated Communication --
Group Decision Support Systems --
Media Literacy. PART X. Communication as a profession. Professional Communication Practices. PART XI. Journalism. The Idea of Journalism --
The Changing Nature of 'News' --
Reporting, Story Development, and Editing --
Investigative Journalism --
Magazine and Feature Writing --
Photojournalism --
Broadcast Journalism --
New Media Journalism --
Media Law in the United States --
Journalism Ethics --
International Journalism --
The Business of Journalism. PART XII. Public relations. History and Concepts of Public Relations --
Theories and Effects of Public Relations --
Public Relations Research --
Ethics in Public Relations --
Issues Management --
Campaign Design and Management --
Crisis Communication --
Political Communication --
International Public Relations --
The Business of Public Relations. PART XIII. Advertising. History of Advertising --
Research in Advertising Campaign Design --
Creative Development and Copywriting in Advertising Campaigns --
Media Planning for Advertising Campaigns --
Integrated Marketing Communication --
Social Marketing Campaigns --
International Advertising --
The Business of Advertising. PART XIV. Media management. --
Media Economics and Ownership --
Media Policy and Regulation --
Radio and Television Programming --
Media Convergence.


Mass media.

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