Ayurvedic yoga therapy/

Stiles, Mukunda

Ayurvedic yoga therapy/ Mukunda Stiles - New Delhi : New Age Books, 2009. - 253p. : ill. ; 23cm.

I. Yoga and Ayurveda
Ayurveda and Yoga's Triple Forces.
The Primal Qualities - The Gunas .
The Three Doshas,
A Yogic Perspective on Ayurveda
II. Ayurvedic Concepts
The Twenty Attributes of the Doshas..
Vata - the Principle of Motion
Pitta - the Principle of Transformation
Kapha - the Principle of Stability
Subdoshas and their Interrelationships
Ayurvedic Constitutional Body Types..
Directing the Doshas toward Freedom
Balanced Attributes of the Doshas
III. The Classical Yoga Path.
Overview of the Ashtanga
Major Yoga Paths (Jnana, Karma, Bhakti) based on the Doshas.
Apex of the Doshas equated to Yoga Sutras II, I
rV. Yoga Lifestyle
Daily Schedule
Ethics for a Yogic Lifestyle
V. Sattvic Yogic Diet...,
• Vegetarian Diet.
Anti-Ama Diet..,
Ayurvedic Responses to Taste.
Tastes and the Doshas....
Tastes and the Emotions
Vata Pacifying Diet
VI. Yoga &c Ayurvedic Purification Practices
Yogic Purification Practices - Shatkarma
Ayurvedic Purification Practices - Panchakarmas.
Eye Exercises
VII. Ayurvedic Perspective on Yoga Poses
The Varieties of Yoga.
Ayurvedic Cuidelines for Exercise...
Integrating Yogasana and Ayurveda
Selective Relaxation.
Classifications of Yoga Poses
The Ayurvedic cycle within a Yoga Pose.
VIII. The Principles of Vinyasa
Vinyasa and Breath
Vinyasa Learning Sequence.
The Importance of Story Telling,
Vinyasas for the Doshas
Ayurvedic Vinyasa Sequencing
EX. Vinyasas for Vata .
Palm Tree - Tadasana Vinyasa.
Seed and Tree story Svetaketu & Uddalaka
Balancing Tree - Vrksasana Vinyasa
Stick - Dandasana Vinyasa.
Meru Danda and the Unfolding of the Chakras
Auspicious - Bhadrasana Vinyasa,
Body as a pyramid
X. Vinyasas for Pitta
Sun Salutation - Surya Namaskar.
Story of the Raja of Aund
Cobra - Bhujangasana Vinyasa.
Inevitability of Change Fgyptian Book of the Dead
Sunbird - Chakravakasana Vinyasa....
Adi Shankara and the Sunbird story.
XI. Vinyasas for Kapha.
Warrior - Virabhadrasana Vinyasa.
Siva Virabhadra story (transforming wrath)
Bridge - Setubandhasana Vinyasa.
Shoulderstand - Sarvangasana Vinyasa.
The Mother of the Universe.
XII. Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy.
Yoga Practices for Balancing Ayurvedic Doshas
Regulating Yoga Practices
Yoga for Vata....
Yoga for Pitta ...
Yoga for Kapha
XIII. Progression Relaxation-Exercises and Yoga Nidra.
Progressive Relaxation
Yoga Nidra Summary..
Energy Body Balance...
XIV. A>'urveclic Yoga Natural Pranayama
Ayurvedic Pranayama - A Word of Caution
Summary of Ayurvedic Yoga Breath
Pranayama Guidelines from the Yoga Sutras
Pranayama for Vata
Pranayama for Pitta
Pranayama for Kapha
Signs of Success in Pranayama
XV. Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist
The Yoga Therapist's Role
How to Work with a Client Using Ayurvedic based counseling.
Friend role for Vata.,
Spouse role for Pitta
Authority or spiritual role for Kapha.
XVI. Overcoming Obstacles to Healing
- The Signs of Obstacles.
Assessing for Obstacles with Breath and Pulse
Overcoming Obstacles with Yoga Discipline
XVII. Healing through Yoga and Ayurveda
Kriya Yoga from the Yoga Sutras
Evolution of the Vata-Pitta-Kapha Cycle
Ayurvedic View of the Serenity Prayer
Yoga Pranic Healing,
Experiencing Prana..,
Swara Yoga - Yoga of the Breath Current
Healing through the Five Pranas
Healing the Mind through the Doshas
Apex of the Doshas - Prana, Tejas, Ojas
The Heart of Healing,
Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy Approach to Disease


Hatha yoga -- Therapeutic use.
Medicine, Ayurvedic.

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