Industrial and organizatinal psychology: linking theory with practice/

Industrial and organizatinal psychology: linking theory with practice/ edited by Cary L. Cooper, Edwin A. Locke. - UK: Blackwell, 2000. - 356 p. ; 26 cm. - Manchester business and management. .

1. Incentives: Theory and Practice
Kathrym M. Bartol and Cnthy C. Durham
Motivation Theories Relating to Compensation
Organizational Theories Relating to Compensation
Incentive Deliver)' Systems
2. Workplace Inter\'cntions to Prevent Stress-Related Illness:
Lessons from Research and Practice
Daniel C. Gnnstcr and Lany Murphy
Definitions and Theories of Job Stress
Do Work Demands Cause Illness?
What Specific Workplace Ciharacteristics Have the Largest Impact
on Health?
What Do We Know About Inter\'entng in Stressliil Work
How has Research Informed Stress Intencntion Practice?
What is the Impact of Stress Management Training?
Why is Stress Management More Common than Job/
Organizational C:hange Approaches?
Wliat Would Constitute an Ideal Stress Inters-ention?
What Types of Information do Practitioners Need from
3. Advances in Leadership Training and Development
Marilyn H. Gist and Dana McDonnid-Mniiu
Traditional Approaches to Leadership Training Research
Advances in Research on I-cadersiiip Training
Advances in the Practice of Leadership Training
4. The Pursuit of" Organizational Justice: From ("conceptualization to
Implication to Application
Jcrald Grccnbcrj] and E. Allan I.ind
The IVactical Value of Organizational Justice 'Lheories
'Lhe Nature of" Applied Research in Organizational Justice
Overview of" Organizational Justice Principles
Implications and Applications of" Organizational Justice I'rinciples
A ("oncluding Assessment: The (Airrent Status of" Applied
Organizational Justice
5. Team Kffectiveness in Theoiy and in Practice
/. Richard Hachman, Ruth Wajjcnian, Thomas M. Ruddy, and
Charles L. Ray
Team Fdfectiveness in Theory'
Team FTfectiveness in Practice
6. Theoiy and Practice of" Leadership: Into the New Millennium
Ram N. Aditya, Robert J. House, and Steven Kcrr
Trait Theories: Leadership as Leader
The Behavioral School
(contingency Theories
Revival of"Trait Theories: New and Improved
(x)ntemporaiy Theories of Leadership
Leadership versus Management
Recent Advancements: Distributed Leadership Revisited
Leadership Theor\' in Practice: An Executive Commentaiy
Summarx' and ("onclusion
7. Job Satisfaction: Research and Practice
Timothy A. Judtjc and Allan H. Chnreh
Research on Job Satisfaction
How Job Satisfaction is Viewed and I reated in (Organizations
8. (Overlooking Theoiy and Research in Performance Appraisal at
(One's Peril: Much Done, More to Do
Gary Latham and Soosan (Dajjhijrhi) Latham
Theoiy and Research
Informed Practice: Much Done, More to Do
Summar)' and (lonclusions
9. Goal Setting: Tlicon' and Practice
Tcrcncc R. Mitchell, Kenneth R. Tljonipson, and Jane Gcorjjc-Fnhy
Goal Setting in Cxrntext
Goal Setting in Theor\' and Research
Practical Issues in Goal Setting
10. Research on the Hmployment Inter\ie\v: Usefulness for Practice and
Recommendations for Future Research
Sara L. Rvnes, Alison E. Barber, and Gale H. Varma
Factors Associated with Inteniew Validit)'
Legal Defensibility and Fairness
Applicant Reactions
Needed Research
11. Intelligence, Motivation, and Job Performance
John E. Hunter, Erank L. Sehmidt, John M. Rnusehenberpfcr, and
Miehclc E. A. Jaync
Project A Correlations
Testing the Motivation Model
The Cxmscientiousness Model
The Three Predictor Variables
Predicting the Dependent Variables
Practitioner Perspectives on the Role ot Intelligence and
Motivation in Job Performance
12. Organizational Recruitment: Enhancing the Intersection ot
Research and Practice
M. Susan Taylor and Christopher J. Collins
Definition, Chapter Scope, and Roadmap
Recruitment Research in the Last Decade
Current Recruitment Practice-
Has Recruitment Research Informed Recent Practice?
Strategic Recruitment
Recommendations: Recruitment Research and Practice
13. Conclusion: The Challenge of Linking Theor\' to Practice
Edwin A. Loekt and Cary L. Cooper
Sclf-Conccpt of Managers
Multiple Theories
Theon' Building


Organizational behavior--Psychological aspects
Psychology, Industrial

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