Baisya, Rajat K.

Aesthetics in marketing/ Rajat K. Baisya and G. Ganesh Das - London: SAGE, 2008. - 313 p.

Foreword / M.B. Shin --
1. Introduction to Aesthetics --
2. Aesthetics, Its Qualities and Attributes --
3. Aesthetics and Design, and Its Role in Products --
4. Aesthetics, Design and Consumer Behaviour --
5. Aesthetic Influence on Consumer Behaviour and Durables --
6. Demographic Variables and Branding in Consumer Durables --
7. Total Aesthetic Experience --
A Discussion --
8. The Aesthetic Framework --
A Synthesis of Concepts --
9. Companies' Approach to Design and Aesthetics --
10. Role of Aesthetics in Marketing.


Market segmentation
New products
Consumers' preferences
Marketing--Social aspects
New products--Marketing