Samaddar, Ranabir

Passive revolution in West Bengal: 1977/2011/ Ranabir Samaddar. - Los Angeles: SAGE Publications India Pvt. Ltd., 2013. - xxv, 240 pages ; 23 cm

Introduction: writing the history of contemporary Bengal -- Section one : Capital, labour and politics. Decade of strike by capital -- A dying metropolis -- Does the left front favour the urban elite? -- Environment and employment : will the trade unions and greens join hands? -- The tannery workers of Tangra -- Lessons of Ayodhya : has the left lost its vision? -- The new right and the new left -- Party, mass organizations, and mass movements -- More on party and mass organization -- Votes and populism -- Section two : New issues, new perspectives. Who is afraid of the migrants in Bengal? -- A library and an institution -- Hunger and the politics of life -- Rajarhat : an urban dystopia -- Dialogue and growth -- All die, but all do not die equally -- Chronicles of the ranks -- The fast emerging power vacuum -- Civil society and the politics of a society -- Is Bengal's restless spirit in decline? -- Section three : Contentious politics. Claim making in the age of bio-politics -- That was revolt, this is civil war -- Elections in the time of a civil war -- Populism and peace -- Different ways of truth telling -- The idea of a front -- Elections and expanding our representative system -- Spring time in Bengal -- Their civil society, our civil society -- Stocktaking midway through the war -- Section four : Messy change. Transitional challenges -- Governing the multitude : I -- Governing the multitude : II -- How to prevent a telengana type situation in West Bengal -- The challenge of building a non-corporate path of development -- A suggestion on Bengal's economic woes -- A square leading to many unknown destinations -- Early but inevitable errors in judgement -- A violent history of peace -- Political change is never for utopia -- Knight riders in Kolkata -- Section five : Perennial themes -- Eternal Bengal -- "It does not die" : urban protest in Calcutta, 1987/2007 -- Section six : Postscript. The epoch of passive revolution.


Social Science
West Bengal (India) -- Social conditions -- 20th century.
West Bengal (India) -- Social conditions -- 21st century.
Passive resistance -- India -- West Bengal.
Labor policy -- India -- West Bengal -- History.
Politics and government.