Panagariya, Arvind

State level reforms, growth, and development in Indian states / Arvind Panagariya, Pinaki Chakraborty and M. Govinda Rao - UK ; OUP, 2014. - ix, 309 p. HB

1. Introduction: The States of India ;
Part I: Growth, Development and Economic Transformation
2. Growth and Development in the Indian States: An Overview
3. Economic Transformation in Indian States ; Part II: State Level Policies and Reforms for Rapid Transformation ;
4. States' Development Expenditures and Implications for Regional Development
5. Policies for Faster Growth in Agriculture
6. Industry and Services: What the States can Do ;
7. Urban Development ; Part III: Social Sectors: Progress, Policies and Future
Reforms ;
8. Health Outcomes in the Indian States
9. Health Infrastructure and Other Proximate Determinants of Health Outcomes ;
10. Health Policy Reform
11. Elementary Education: Outcomes and Policies ;
12. Higher Education: Progress and Prospects ; Appendix: Converting the GSDP to the Common 2004-05 Prices


Economic development -- India. India -- Economic policy -- 1991- India -- Economic conditions -- 1991-

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