Standing, Guy

Social income and insecurity/ Guy Standing, Jeemol Unni and Renana Jhabvala - New Delhi: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2010. - 232p.

Chapter 1: Social Income, Globalisation and a World of
Unending Uncertainty
Chapter 2: Gujarat: A Distinctive Development Model?
Chapter 3: Money Incomes in Guiarat
Chapter 4: Enterprise Benefits in Social Income:
An Unhealthy Dualism
Chapter 5: Community Benefits: Communities under Stress
Chapter 6: State Benefits; The Inefficiencies of Targeting
Chapter 7: Private Benefits: The Operation of Market Forces
Chapter 8: Financial Crises: Coping with Income Insecurity
Chapter 9: Restructuring Social Income: Universalising
Security. Strengthening Community


Economic sociology
Gujarat [India]

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