Thapar, Romila

Sakuntala: texts, readings, histories Romila Thapar - New Delhi: Women Unlimited (an associate of Kali for Women), 2010. - x, 271 p.

1984-2009 25 years of feminist publishing

1. Prcliniinnrics
2. The Narrative from the MnMbhi'inita
3. The Ahhijiliinii-sfikuntiilmn of Kiiliriasa
Snkiinlala and the Ring of Recollection—
the play by Kalidfisa
4. Popular and high culiurc as historical parallels
5. Adapiaiions: another popular tradition and its
role in another court
6. Translations: Orientalism, German romanticism
and the image of Sakitntala
7. Translation: colonial views
8. Sakitntala from the perspective of
middle lass nationalism
9. Conclusion



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