Plathottam, George

Press and social responsibility : a content analysis of newspapers in North East India George Plathottam - New Delhi : Segment Books , 2013. - 202 p.

Chapter 1 Social Responsibility
1 Development of Social Responsibility Theory
2 Canons of Journalism
3 The Hutchins Commission
4 Social Responsibility Theory of the Press
5 McQuail's Theories
6 MacBride Report
7 Social Responsibility in the Indian Press
8 The Press Coimcil of India
9 Social Responsibility and Changing Trends
in the Indian Press
Chapter 2 Content Analysis
1 Content Analysis as a Research Method
2 Definitions of Content Analysis
3 Content Analysis as Quantitative and
Qualitative Research
4 Procediures of Qualitative Content Analysis
i) Inductive Category Development
ii) Deductive Category Application
5 Practical Applications of Content Analysis
6 Conducting a Content Analysis
i) Analysing the Data
ii) Coding Data
iii) Coding Units
iv) Reliability
7 Computer Programmes in Support of
Qualitative Content Analysis
8 Content Analysis in Journalism
9 Frequency and Word Count
10 Examples of Projects Working with
Qualitative Content Analysis
11 Pollock's Study of Newspaper Content
1. Nationwide Newspaper Coverage
i) Islam Post-September 11
ii) Privacy on the Internet
hi) 1998 Tobacco Master Setdement
iv) Physician-Assisted Suicide
v) Embryonic Stem Cell Research
2. City Characteristics and Newspaper Coverage
i) Human Cloning
ii) Magic Johnson HIV Announcement
12 Impact Study
Chapter 3 Press in North East India
1 The Press in Northeast India
2 The Assam Tribime
3 The Shillong Times
4 Growth of Newspapers in Northeast India
5 The Press in Northeast India: Contemporary
and Future Challenges
6 Significance of a Study on Northeast India
Chapter 4 Methodology
1 Key Terms
i) Prominence
ii) Imbalance and Bias
hi) Positive and Negative News
2 Metliodology for Content Analysis
3 Research Design
4 Objectives
5 Reasons for Choosing the Two Papers
6 Variables
A. Identification
1. Newspaper Identity (1-312)
2. News Item Identity (PPCNN)
B. Prominence Index
3. Column Weightage
4. News Location
5. Space Allotment
6. Headline Weightage
7. Photo Prominence
C. Reporting Index
8. Content — Positive, Negative, Other
9. Content Quality - Responsible or Not
D. News Gassihcation
10. Geographic Location —
11. Urban-Rural, Other
12. Gender: Male-Female-Other
13. News Type (36 theme categories)
7 Computer Programme Used for the Study
Chapter 5 Prominence and Bias in the Press
1 Total Pages and Newspaper Items Studied
2 Prominence
3 Prominence Index
4 Imbalance and Bias
5 Gender Imbalance and Bias
1 Gender in News Reports
2 Gender in Editorial Pages
3 Gender Bias in Newspapers
6 Bias and Imbalance in Distribution
of Rural-Urban News
7 Bias and Imbalance in Distribution of
Intemational-National-Regional News
8 Bias and Imbalance in Reporting of Religion
9 Hypothesis
Chapter 6 Positive and Negative News:
Content Quality and Social Responsibility
1 Positive, Negative and Other News
1 Space Allotment among Positive
and Negative News
2 Headline Weightage among Positive,
Negative and Other News
3 Photo Prominence among Positive,
Negative and Other News
2 Hypothesis 2: Positive and Negative News
3 Prominence and Positive-Negative News
Item Attributes
4 Content Quality and Social Responsibility
5 Content Quality and Prominence Index:
A Comparison
6 Hypotheses 3: Social Responsibility
7 Theme Frequency and Prominence of Social Issues
8 The Five Social Themes and the Top Themes
in Frequency: A Comparison
9 Democracy and Development Issues vis-a-vis
Social Responsibility of the Press in Northeast India
Chapter? Path Forward for the Press
1 Findings
2 Suggestions Based on the Research
3 Proposals for Further Research
4 Conclusion

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Press --North East India

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