Meikle, Graham

Interpreting news - London : Palgrave Macmillan 2009 - 226 p.

Introduction: News and Symbolic Power
What's going on
1 Defining News
Technologies, stories, organizations
Early definitions
News as mosaic
News and time
News versus journalism
2 Know Your Product
Principles of selection
News values
Bad company?
News Corporation
Influencing content
Influencing contexts
Manufacturing consent?
3 True Stories
News, ritual, community
Once upon a time
Upside-down pyramids
More bad news
Definitive gaze
Seeing and believing?
Adding the missing voice
What's outside the frame?
Sound + Vision
Media events
4 From Coffee-House to Cyber-Cafe
Commercial origins of news media
The Fourth Estate
Freedom of speech (just watch what you say)
Who let the dogs out?
War correspondents
Rock critics
5 'Pay No Attention To That Man Behind The Curtain'
Take us to your leader
Primary definers?
Sexing up dodgy dossiers
Public image
Panic on the streets of [your town here]
Naming and shaming
Problem people
Models of moral panic
Taking over the asylum seekers
6 Here We Are, Now Entertain Us
Are we having fun yet?
Mapping tabloid media
Defining the tabloid
Talking tabloid
That's entertainment
The public sphere
Taking tabloid media seriously
Kylie's cancer
From vulnerable viewers to creative audiences
Those scary media
Selling the audience
Setting the agenda
What use are the media?
TV news and pleasure
What do you mean?
Active audiences?
New audiences
Creative audiences?
7 Totally Wired
The message
Touching from a distance (further all the time)
Cultural imperialism?
Radio Active
Satellite of love?
How the news changes the news
A1 Jazeera
8 News 2.0?
Convergence and divergence
Three dimensions of online news
Automatic for the people
Up close and personal
Mobile news
Over to you
India media
Open source
DIY news
India media and alternative media
Open publishing

9781403933829 (hb)

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