edited by Bloom, Harold

Lewis Carroll's Alice's adventures in wonderland / edited by Harold Bloom - New Delhi: Viva Books Private Limited, 2007. - viii, 247 p.:

Includes bibliography and index.

Editor’s Note
Introduction 1
Harold Bloom
A Note on Humpty Dumpty 13
J.B. Priestley
Elscape into the Garden 19
Florence Becker Lennon
Alice in Wonderland: The Child as Swain 39
William Empson
The Balance of Brillig 69
Elizabeth Sewell
Through the Looking-glass 81
Alexander L. Taylor
From "The Character of Dodgson
as Revealed in the Writings of Carroll" 105
Phyllis Greenacre
Poetry 123
Richard Kelly
Love and Death in Carroll’s Alices 135
Donald Rackin
Toward a Definition of Alices Genre:
The Folktale and Fairy-Tale Connections 155
Nina Demurova
The Unreal Alice 171
Karoline Leach
Alice’s Identity 193
Hugh Haughton
Introducing Alice 205
Will Brooker
Afterthought 219
Harold Bloom


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