edited by Eaglestone, Robert and McQuillan, Martin

Salman Rushdie : contmeporary critical perspectives / edited by Robert Eaglestone and Martin McQuillan - London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2013. - xv, 144p.;

Includes references and index.

Robert Eaglestone
CHAPTER ONE The Rushdie Canon
Ankhi Mukherjee
CHAPTER TWO Salman Rushdie and the Rise of Postcoloniai
Studies: Grimus, Midnight’s Children and Shame
Eleanor Byrne
CHAPTER THREE Rushdie as an international Writer:
The Ground Beneath Her Feet, Fury, Shaiimar
the Clown and The Enchantress of Florence
Marianne Corrigan
CHAPTER FOUR Postcoloniai Secularism and Literary Form in
Salman Rushdie’s The Satanic Verses
Stephen Morton
CHAPTER FIVE Revisiting The Satanic Verses: The Fatwa and
Its Legacies
Anshuman A. Mondal
CHAPTER SIX Salman Rushdie’s Post-Nationalist Fairy Tales:
Haroun and the Sea of Stories and Luka and
the Fire of Life
Andrew Teverson
CHAPTER SEVEN ’Illuminated by a ray of the sun at midnight’:
The Enchantress of Florence
Martin McQuiiian
CHAPTER EIGHT Rushdie’s Non-Fiction
Daniel O’Gorman
CHAPTER NINE Po-fa: Joseph Anton
Robert Eaglestone


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