TY - BOOK AU - Newman,William M. AU - Sproull, Robert F. TI - Principles of interactive computer graphics SN - 0070463387 U1 - 006.66 PY - 1979/// CY - New York PB - McGraw-Hill KW - Computer graphics KW - Interactive computer systems N1 - Includes index; PART ONE: BASIC CONCEPTS CHAPFER 1: INTRODUCTION 1-1 The Origins of Computer Graphics 1-2 How the Interactive-Graphics Display Works 1-3 Some Common Questions 1-4 New Display Devices 1-5 GeneraTF*urpose Graphics Software 1-6 The User Interface 1-7 The Display of Solid Objects CHAPTER 2: POINT-PLOTTING TECHNIQUES 2-1 Coordinate Systems 2-2 Incremental Methods 2-3 Line-drawing Algorithms 2-4 Circle Generators CHAPTER 3: LINE-DRAWING DISPLAYS 3-1 Display Devices and Controllers 3-2 Display Devices 3-3 The CRT 3-4 Inherent-Memory Devices 3-5 The Storage-Tube Display 3-6 The Refresh Line-Drawing Display CHAPTER 4: TWO-DIMENSIONAL TRANSFORMATIONS 4-1 Transformation Principles 4-2 Concatenation 4-3 Matrix Representations CHAPTER 5: CLIPPING AND WINDOWING 5-1 A Line Clipping Algorithm 5-2 Midpoint Subdivision 5-3 Clipping Other Graphic Entities 5-4 Polygon Clipping 5-5 Viewing Transformations 5-6 The Windowing Transformation PARTTWO: GRAPHICS PACKAGES CHAPrER6: A SIMPLE GRAPHICS PACKAGE 6-1 Ground Rules for Graphics Software Design 6-2 Functional Domains 6-3 Graphic Primitives 6-4 Windowing Functions 6-5 Miscellaneous Functions 6-6 Example; a Graph-Plotting Program 6-7 Implementation of the Functions 6-8 The Transformation Processor 6-9 The Display-Code Generator CHAPTER 7: SEGMENTED DISPLAY FILES 7-1 Segments 7-2 Functions for Segmenting the Display File 7-3 Posting and Unposting a Segment 7-4 Segment Naming Schemes 7-5 Default Error Conditions 7-6 Appending to Segments CHAPTERS; DISPLAY FILE COMPILATION 8-1 Refresh Concurrent with Reconstruction 8-2 Free Storage Allocation 8-3 Display-File Structure 8-4 Display Files for Storage-Tube Terminals CHAFFER 9: GEOMETRIC MODELS 9-1 A Simple Modeling Example 9-2 Geometric Modeling 9-3 Symbols and Instances 9-4 Implementation of Instance Transformations CHAPTER 10: PICTURE STRUCTURE 10-1 Defining Symbols By Procedures 10-2 Display Procedures 10-3 Boxing 10-4 Advantages and Limitations of Display Procedures 10*5 Structured Display Files PART TH REE; IN FERACTIVE GRAPH ICS CHAFFER 11; GRAPHICAL INPUT DEVICES 11-1 Pointing and Positioning Devices 11-2 'Fhe Mouse 11-3 Tablets 11-4 ThcIjghlPcn 11-5 Thrce-Dimcnsional Input Devices 11-6 Comparators CHAPTKR 12: GRAPHICAL INPUTTKCHNIQUES 12-1 introduction 12-2 Positioning Techniques 12-3 Pointing and Selection 12-4 Inking and Painting 12-5 On-Line Character Recognition 12-6 Conclusion CHAFfKRU: KVFNT HANDLING 13-1, Introduction 13-2 Polling 13-3 Interrupts 13-4 The Kvent Queue 13-5 Functions for Handling Events 13-6 Polling Task I")esign 13-7 Light-Pen Interrupts CHAPTER 14: INPUT FUNCTIONS • 14-1 Dragging and Fixing 14-2 Hit Detection 14-3 On-Line Character Recognizers 14-4 Conclusion PART FOUR: RASTER GRAPHICS CHAPTER 15: RASTER GRAPHICS FUNDAMENTALS 15-1 Introduction 15-2 Generating a Raster Image: 'I'he Frame Buffer Display 15-3 Representing a Raster Image 15-4 Scan Converting Line Drawings 15-5 Displaying Characters 15-6 Speed of Scan Conversion 15-7 Natural Images CHAPTER 16: SOLID-AREA SCAN CONVERSION 16-1 Geometric Representations of Areas 16-2 Scan-Converting Polygons 16-3 Priority 16-4 The Y-X Algorithm 16-5 Properties of Scan Conversion Algorithms CHAPTER 17: INTERACTIVE RASTER GRAPHICS 17-1 Updating the Display 17-2 The Painting Model 17-3 Moving Parts of an Image 17-4 Feedback Images CHAPTER 18: RASTER-GRAPHICS SYSTEMS 18-1 Representations 18-2 Raster Manipulation Functions 18-3 Systems Using Raster Representations 18-4 Systems Using Geometric Representations 18-5 Conclusion CHAPTER 19: RASTER DISPLAY HARDWARE 19-1 Raster Display Devices 19-2 Frame Buffers 19-3 The Random-Access Frame Buffer 19-4 Real-Time Scan Conversion 19-5 Other Encoding Schemes FART FIVE: THREE-DIMENSIONAL GRAPHICS CHAPTER 20: REALISM IN THREE-DIMENSIONAL GRAPHICS 20-1 Techniques for Achieving Realism 20-2 MoaelinglTiree-Dimensionai Scenes , 20-3 Modeling and Realism CHAPTER 21: CURVED AND SURFACES 21-1 Shape Description Requirements 21-2 Parametric Functions 21-3 Bezier Methods 21-4 B-Spline Methods 21-5 Displaying Curves and Surfaces 2L6 Conclusion CHAPTER 22: THREE-DIMENSIONAL TRANSFORMATIONS AND PERSPECTIVE 22-1 T ransformations 22-2 Transformations in Modeling 22-3 Transformations in Viewing 22-4 The Perspective Transformation 22-5 Three-Dlmcnsional Clipping 22-6 Three-Dimcnsional Graphics Packages 22-7 Examples CHAPTER 23: PERSPECTIVE DEPTH 23T The Screen Coordinate System 23-2 Properties oflhe Screen Coordinate System 23-3 Homogeneous Coordinate Representations of Projective Transformations 23-4 Summary CHAFFER 24: HID13EN-SUREACE ELIMINATION 24-1 Two Approaches 24-2 'Die Depth-Ruffer Algorithm 24-3 Geometric Computations 24-4 Scan-Line Coherence Algorithms 24-5 Area-Coherence Algorithms 24-6 Priority Algorithms 24-7 Choosing an Algorithm 24-8 Sorting and Coherence CHAFFER 25: SHADING 25-1 A Shading Model 25-2 Applying the Shading Model 25-3 Special F^ffects 25-4 Conclusion PART SIX; GRAPHICS SYSFEMS CHAFFER 26: DISPLAY PROCESSORS 26-1 The Simple Refresh Line-Drawing Display 27-2 Random-Scan Storage-'Fube Displays 26-3 High-Pcrformance Displays 26-4 The Unbuffered High-Pcrformance Display 26-5 'Fhe Buffered High-Performancc Display CHAPTER 27: DEVICE-INDEPENDEN'F GRAPHICS SYSTEMS 27-1 Device Independence 27-2 'Fhe Programmer's Model of the Output Process 27-4 Graphics System Design 27-5 Function Set Design 27-6 Conclusion CHAPTER 28: USER INTERFACE DESIGN 28-1 Components of the User Interface 28-2 'Hie User's Model 28-3 'lite Command language 28-4 Styles of Command Language 28-5 Information Display 28-6 Feedback 28-7 Examples 28-8 Conclusion ER -