Ranganathan, S.R.

Reference service/ S. R. Ranganathan - New Delhi: Ess Ess Publications, 2006. - 432 p.

Part A
Reference Service Experience as a Student
Reference Service Experience as a Teacher
Reference Service Experience as an Adult User of
Observation of Reference Service
Practice of Reference Service
Genesis of the Book
Suggestions to Beginners and Teachers
Part B
Emergmce of Reference Service
Reference Service and the Laws of Library Science
Evolution of Library
Functions of a Library
New Library Techniques
Why of Reference Service
Closer View of Reference Service
Message of Holism
What of Initiation
Why of Initiation
How of Initiation
Part C
Initiation of Freshman
Initiation in College Library
Initiation in School Library
1 Introduction
2 Difficult Reader
Part D
General Help to General Reader
3 Difficult Material
4 Modem Book
5 Ancient Work
6 Play with Title
7 Intangible Qualities
8 Difficult Reference Librarian
1 Introduction
Part E
Mystic Ptcture of Reference Service
2 Light from the Vedas
3 Light from Valmiki
4 Light from the "Mother" of Aurobindo
5 light from Sanskrit
Part F
Ready Reference Service
1 What of Ready Reference Service
2 Why of Ready Reference Service
3 How of Ready Reference Service
4 Preparation for Ready Reference Service
5 Service in Ready Reference Service
6 Assimilation in Ready Reference Service
1 Introduction
2 Enquirers During One Month
3 108 Facts to Find
0 What of Reference Book
Find Me Ont
Reference Book
1 Emergence of Reference Book
2 Scope of Reference Book
3 Up-to-date-ness
4 Arrangement
5 Alphabetical Arrangement
6 Classified Arrangement
7 Mixed Arrangement
8 Structure and Contents of "n Reference Book

Part J
Long Range Reference Service
1 What of Long Range Reference Service
2 Why of Long Range Reference Service
3 How of Long Range Reference Service
4 Preparation
5 Service in Long Range Reference Service
6 Assimilation in Long Range Reference Service
7 Structure and Contents of a Bibliography
1 General Observation
2 Palmyra's Uses Inquiry
Illustrative Actualities
3 Pre-Columbian Hindu Colonisation of America
4 Pamban Bridge Enquiry
5 Devil Worship of Tuluva Enquiry
6 Shadow Plays Enquiry
7 Kra Canal Enquiry
8 Deferred Ego-less Joy
Index 1
Index 2

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