Selected works of C. Rajagopalachari/ edited by Mahesh Rangarajan, N. Balakrishnan, Deepa Bhatnagar - New Delhi: Orient Blackswan, 2014. - 2 v. : ill. ; 25 cm

Vol. 1. 1907-21 -- vol. 2. 1921-22

List of Illustrations
1. Jail Diary
2. Letter to Mahatma Gandhi
3. Interview to a Representative of the
4. My Great Disappointment; Article
5. Interview to a Representative of the
Bombay Chronicle
6. Circular for Observing Gandhi Day
7. Circular for Tilak Swarajya Fund
8. Our Work during the Halt: Article
9. A Fatal Suggestion: Article
10. Telegram to Kasturba Gandhi
11. Telegram to Pyarelal
12. The Key-Stone: Article
13. Why Khadi for Civil Disobedience? Comment
14. Appeal on Gandhi Day
15. Telegram to Pyarelal
16. Revision Proposals Examined: Article
17. What Became of the Bombs? Article
18. Mahatmaji's Jail Treatment: Note
19. Letter to Pyarelal
20. Appeal to Merchants

Editor's Notes
The Cry from the Mulshi Valley: Editorial
A Grave Warning: Comment
Editor's Notes
Much the Betterfor Happiness: Editorial
Dangerous Doctrines; Editorial
Repression in Santhal Parganas: Note
Editor's Notes
The Right of Private Defence: Article
Faith Unshaken: Editorial
Editor's Notes
Civil Disobedience as Retaliation: Comment
HowShall We Prepare? Editorial
Go On: Article
Editor's Notes
AFundamental Error: Article
Construction but Not Cooperation: Article
Unclaimed Property: Article
Is It Direct Action? Editorial
The Secret; Editorial
The Muzang Affair; Editorial
Editor's Notes
Political Prisoners: Article
The Shameof It: Editorial
Empire and Equality; Article
Editor's Notes
Utkal s Purest Offering: Comment
48. Ascetics and Saint: Editorial
49. Phantom Equality: Editorial
50. Mahatmaji and the Present Situation: Article
51. Editor's Notes
52. Ahimsa and World Peace; Comment
53. How is Lakshmi? Editorial
54. The First of August: Editorial
55. Letter to Pyarelal
56. editor's Notes

57. To Sisters in Tamil Land: Message 27July 1922 221
58. Not to Destroy but to Fulfil: Editorial 27July 1922 223
59. To the Reader: Editorial 3 August 1922 224
60. Editor's Notes 10 August 1922 226
61. The Father of Non-cooperation; Editorial 10 August 1922 228
62. The Steel Frame: Editorial 10 August 1922 229
63. A Great Blow to Islam: Comment 10 August 1922 231
64. Terrible Proof: Article 10 August 1922 232
65. Editor's Notes 17 August 1922 233
66. Stronger or Weaker? Editorial 17 August 1922 239
67. Shanti's Flag: Editorial 17 August 1922 240
68. Editor's Notes 24 August 1922 243
69. A Testimony: Comment 24 August 1922 245
70. TheLast Injunction: Editorial 24 August 1922 246
71. Violence Again: Article 24 August 1922 247
72. A Parable: Comment 24 August 1922 250
73. Editor's Notes 31 August 1922 251
74. Correspondence with Editor 31 August 1922 254
75. Define the Constitution: Editorial 31 August 1922 255
76. Letter to Pyarelal 2 September 1922 257
77. Editor's Notes 7 September 1922 258
78. The Next Terror: Editorial 7 September 1922 262
79. Letter to Pyarelal 11 September 1922 264
80. Editor's Notes 14 September 1922 265
81. Mahatmaji's Letters: Article 14 September 1922 268
82. An Electioneering Viceroy: Article 14 September 1922 270
83. Only a Dream: Editorial 14 September 1922 272
84. The Story of Guru-ka-Bagh: Article 14 September 1922 274
85. What is Impossible? Article 14 September 1922 276
86. Lokamanya and Untouchability: Comment 14 September 1922 278
87. Editor's Notes 21 September 1922 279
88. Dictation fi-om Below: Article 21 September 1922 282
89. Mrs. Besant's Scheme; Editorial 21 September 1922 283
90. Multan: Article 21 September 1922 285
91. The Death-Waggon: Article 21 September 1922 287
92. Indianisation: Comment 21 September 1922 288

Letter to Pyarelal
Editor's Notes
The Fiery Cross: Editorial
The Destroyers: Editorial
ALeading Cooperator's Warning: Comment
Telegram to Pyarelal
Editor's Notes
Mahatmaji's Birthday: Message
Certified: Editorial
Mahatmaji's Prison Life—A Lying Message-
Article ® •
Letter to Pyarelal
Letter to Pyarelal
Robbery ofthe Soil: Article
ACongress of Untouchables: Article
The Paradox: Editorial
Letter to Pyarelal
Letter to Pyarelal
of British Goods:ANote of Dissent Editor s Notes
TT.e Message from Yeravda:Editodal
otne Mussalmans: Editorial
ASevere Indictment: Article
Letter to Pyarelal o^ment
Letter to Motilal Nehru
Letter to Pyarelal
Letter to Pyarelal
Editor's Notes
New Premier: Article
ot Anyhow: Editonal

128. Letter to Pyarelal
129. Letter to Pyarelal
130. Editor's Notes
131. Full Steam On! Editorial
132. The Phrygian Has Spoken Best: Editorial
133. Telegram from Salem regarding AICC Meeting
134. Editor's Notes
The Right Programme: Editorial
Mr. Das's Statement: Editorial
'Two New Weapons': Article
Editor's Notes
Kemal Pasha's Call: Editorial
Within or Without the Empire: Comments
on Letter to Editor
141. Speech at AICC Meeting
Address to the Students of National High
School, Rajahmundry
Editor's Notes
Why It Should Be Rejected: Editorial
Letter to Pyarelal
Letter to Pyarelal
Views on AICC Meeting
Editor's Notes
Repudiation: Editorial
Editor's Notes
Rights of Minorities: Comment
Editor's Notes
Famine Insurance: Comment
Repudiation a Necessary Corollary: Editorial
Death: Editorial
Speech on Boycott of British Goods at Gaya
Resolution and Speech on Boycott of Councils
at Gaya Congress
Reply to the Debate on Boycott of Councils at
Gaya Congress

159. Speech Opposing the Resolution on Change in 31 December 1922 429
Congress Creed at Gaya Congress
160. Resolution and Speech on Repudiation of the 31 December 1922 431
Authority of the Legislature to Incur Debts at
Gaya Congress
161. Resolutions and Speech on Private Defence and 31 December 1922 433
the Affiliation of Committees Outside India to
the I.N.C. at Gaya Congress
Appendix I: Resolutions Moved by C. Rajagopalachari
'• R::etc:iTr
2. Resolution on Congratulations to the Turks
Appendix II: Joint Statements
1. Appeal regarding Ptesidentship of Gaya Congress
5. Report of Rules Committee of Tamil Nadu P.C C
6. Report of General Secretaries
Appendix III: MisceUaneous Items
1. Mahatma Gandhi's Note in Young India
2. Bardoli Programme
3. G. B. Trivedi's Questions 467
4. Extracts from Dr. Raiendra Pr=.c,^' o
Santhal Parganas ^Report of Repression in
5. ^;~ofH.S.L.PolakandC.F,And,.w.
6. Extracts fi-om Hind Swaraj
by Rev. Samuel Pearson
>92,-December „Z2,

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