Mehta, J. L.

Advanced study in the history of medieval India/ J. L. Mehta - New Delhi : Sterling, [1979]-c1983. - 3 v.: maps

Includes bibliographical references and index.

v. 1. 1000-1526 A.D.--v. 2. 1526-1707.--v. 3. Medieval Indian society and culture.

Introduction : Contemporary Sources of History -- Indian Historiography—An Islamic Heritage --Contemporary Writers and their Works -- The Travelogues -- Indigenous Literature -- Rajatarangini, Prithviraja Raso -- Archaeological Sources
1. Twilight of Ancient India -- 1. Political Condition -- The Last Imperial Rulers of Ancient India; The
Fading Glory of Imperial Kanauj; Absence- of Central Authority; (a) Northern India—Afghanistan and Punjabi Sind and Multan Kashmir, Thanesar; (b) Eastern India—Bengal, Assam, Nepal; (c) Central and Western India; (d) Southern India. -- 2. Arab Conquest of Sind and Multan -- 3. Pre-Muslim Society Absence of Creative Leadership, Rajput Culture, Social Organisation and Attitudes, Religious Beliefs and Practices, Indian Economy.

2. Gbaznavid Inroads
Kingdom of Ghazni, Jaipal's Encounter with Sabuktagin, The. Myth of Undefended Frontier, Mahmud of Ghazni: Indian Invasions—Their Nature. Encounter, with Jaipal, Subjugation of Bhatiya and Multan, Victory over Anandpal and Plunder of Nagarkot, Penetration into Rajputana, Annexation of Multan, Plunder of Thanesar, Defeat of
Trilochanpal—End of Hindushahis, Plunder of Mathura and Kanauj, Campaign against Gwalior and Kalinjar, Plunder of Somnath; Objectives and Fulfilment; Effects of Mahmud's Invasions.

3. Northern India Between the Two Holocausts (1030-1175)
(a) Muslim States of Northwestern India Lahore, Multan, Sind. -- (b) Delhi, Ajmer and Kanauj The Foundation of Modem Delhi ; Triangular Contest for Supremacy; The Imperial Chauhans : Prithvi Raj Chauhan; Kanauj.-- (c) Other Regional Kingdoms -- Gujarat and Malwa, Bundelkhand, Bihar and Bengal, Assam. An Evaluation of the Political Condition -- The Defunct Military System

4. The Second Holocaust (1175-1205)
The Shansabani Dynasty of Ghur; Indian Campaigns of Muhammad Ghori—His Objectives; Conquest of Multan, Sind and the Punjab; Conflict with Prithvi Raj Chauhan III; First Battle of Tarain, Second Battle of Tarain, Conquest of Delhi Penetration into the Gangetic Valley; The Conquests of Qutubuddin Aibek : Penetration into Bihar and Bengal; The Last Days of Muhammad Ghori, A Character Estimate; Causes of Success of the Turks.

5. Foundation of the Delhi Sultanate (1206-90)
1. Qutubuddin Aibek -- The Slave Dynasty; Early Career of Aibek, Accession to the Throne, Aibek as a Ruler. -- 2. The Shamsi or the First Ilbari Dynasty Shamsuddin Iltutmish—Real Founder of the Delhi Sultanate, Rival Turkish Nobles, Liquidation of Tajuddin Yaldoz, Defeat of Nasiruddin Qabacha, Mongols on the Northwestern Frontier, Reconquest of Multan and Sind, Reconquest of Bihar' and Bengal, Conflict with the Rajputs, An Estimate. -- 3. Successors of Ilutmish The Turkish Power-politics and the Problem of Succession; The Rule of "the Forty; Ruknuddin Firoze, Razia Begum, Behram Shah, Alauddin Masudshah,' Nasiruddin Mahmud, Balban as Nasiruddin's Minister, Achievements of Balban as Minister. -- 4. The Second Ilbari Dynasty Ghiasuddin Balban : Early Difficulties, Reorgani sation of Army, Restoration of Law and Order, Balbani's Theory of Kingship, Liquidation of the Forty, Suppression of Revolts in Bengal, Defense of Northwestern Frontier, An Estimate; Balban's Successors.

6. Khalji Imperialism
1. Jalaluddin Firoze Khalji The Khalji Revolution, Early Career of Jalaluddin Khalji, Domestic Policy, Execution of Sidi Maula, Encounter with the Mongols, Campaigns against Rajputs, Alauddin's Expeditions, Murder of
Jalaluddin Khalji, An Estimate. -- 2. Alauddin Khaiji Early Career and Accession, Liquidation of the
Jalali Family, Alauddin as an Autocrat: His Theory of Kingship, His Wild Aims. -- AlauddirCs Imperialism', Conquest of the Deccan, Encounter with the Mongols. -- 3. GoTcmment in Action Under Alauddin Khalji
Administrative Reforms, Fiscal Policy and Revenue Reforms, Price Control and Market Regulations ;
An Estimate of Alauddin Khalji; End of the Khalji Dynasty.

7. Taghluq Dynasty
1. Gbiasuddin Tughluq Shah Domestic Policy, Foreign Policy, An Estimate. -- 2. Muhammad hin Tughluq
The Mongol Invasion, Early Revolts, Transfer of the Capital, Introduction of Token Currency, The Proposed Khurasan Expedition, The Qurachil Expedition, Revenue Reforms, Taxation in the Doab, Rebellions and General Upsurge against the Rule of Muhammad bin Tughluq, An Estimate. -- 3. Firoze Shah Tughluq The Elected Sultan, Nature of His Rule; Khan i Jahan Maqbul—the Prime Minister; Domestic Policy—Administrative Reforms and Public Welfare Activities, Foreign Policy and Defence.

8. Decline and Disintegration of the Sultanate
The Later Tughlnqs Invasion of Amir Timur; The Sayyads; The Lodhis : First Afghan Dynasty of Delhi, Bahlol Lodhi, Sikander Lodhi, Ibrahim Lodhi; Causes of Downfall of the Sultanate.

9. Northern India in the Fifteenth Century
General Characteristics of the Period; Bengal, Jaunpur, Malwa, Gujarat, Rajputana : Mewar; Marwar; Kashmir, Orissa.

10. Bahmaai and Vijayanagar Kingdoms
1. The Bahmani Kingdom -- 2. The Vijayanagar Empire -- 3. Impact of Bahmani Rule on the Society and
Culture of the Deccan -- Nature of the Bahmani Rule, Influx of Foreigners from Muslim countries, Conflict Between Foreigners and the 'Dakhinis', Evolution of the Bahmani or Indo-Muslim Culture^^f the Deccan, Development of Education and learning's. Art Wd Architecture. -- 4. Life and Condition of People in the Vijayam^ar State Nature of the Vijayanagar State, Vijayanagar Qty and the Royalty, Glimpses of Socio-Cltural Life, Education and Learning, Art and Architecture, Wealth and Prosperity of Vijayanagar Empire,
Advent of the Portuguese.

11. Administration of the Sultanate
1. Political Theory of the Sultanate -- The Islamic Theory of State, Nature and Character of the Sultanate. -- 2. Treatment of Non-Muslims in the Sultanate -- 3. Central Government The Sultan, The Ministers, Other Imperial Officers. -- 4. Provincial and Local Governments -- 5. Fiscal Policy of tho Sultanate -- The Iqta System. -- 6. The Judiciary -- 7. The Ruling Elite The Nobility, The Ulema. -- 8. Military Organization

12. Architectural Monuments of the Sultans
Building Activity of the Sultans—Its Rationale : The Islamic Architecture So-Called; Synthesis Between
the Indigenous and Islamic Traditions, Difference Between Indigenous and Islamic Architecture.
Three Phases of Development The First Phase : Architectural Monuments of the Slave and Khalji Sultans.
The Second Phase: Buildings of the Tughluq Period, The Third Phase : Countrywide Expansion of Indo-Islamic Architecture.



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