Space, knowledge and power : Foucault and geography / edited by Jeremy W. Crampton and Stuart Elden - Aldershot; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2007. - x, 377 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Table of Contents
Acknowledgements 4
Notes on Contributors 6
Foucault and Geography: Space Knowledge and Power 9
Stuart Elden and Jeremy Crampton
Some Questions from Michel Foucault to Hérodote 33
Michel Foucault (Translated by Stuart Elden)
Francophone Responses ¿ 1977
Hérodote Editorial 36
Jean-Michel Brabant (Translated by Gerald Moore) 39
Alain Joxe (Translated by Gerald Moore) 43
Jean-Bernard Racine and Claude Raffestin (Translated by Gerald Moore) 45
Michel Riou (Translated by Gerald Moore) 49
Anglophone Responses ¿ 2006
The Kantian Roots of Foucault¿s Dilemmas 54
David Harvey
Geography, Gender and Power 64
Sara Mills
Overcome by Space: Reworking Foucault 68
Nigel Thrift
Foucault Among the Geographers 77
Thomas Flynn
Strategy, Medicine and Habitat: Foucault in 1976 87
Stuart Elden
Formations of ¿Foucault¿ in Anglo-American Geography: an Archaeological
Sketch 108
Matthew Hannah
Catalysts and Converts: Sparking Interest for Foucault among
Francophone Geographers 142
Juliet J. Fall
Could Foucault have Revolutionized Geography? 174
Claude Raffestin (Translated by Gerald Moore)
The Incorporation of the Hospital into Modern Technology 188
Michel Foucault (Translated by Edgar Knowlton Jr., William J. King, and Stuart Elden)
The Meshes of Power 206
Michel Foucault (Translated by Gerald Moore)
The Language of Space 221
Michel Foucault (Translated by Gerald Moore)
The Force of Flight 228
Michel Foucault (Translated by Gerald Moore)
Questions on Geography 234
Michael Foucault (Translated by Colin Gordon)
Geographies of Governmentality 251
Margo Huxley
The History of Medical Geography After Foucault 283
Gerry Kearns
Maps, Race and Foucault: Eugenics and Territorialization Following World
War I 310
Jeremy W. Crampton
Beyond the Panopticon? Foucault and Surveillance Studies 342
David Murakami Wood
Beyond the European Province: Foucault and Postcolonialism 371
Stephen Legg

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