Beginning Ajax with ASP .NET / Wallace B. McClure ... [et al.]. - New Delhi : Wiley Pub., c2006. - xxii, 403 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

Includes index.

Chapter 1: Introduction to Aiax on ASP.NET
Development Trends
ASP.NET Development
Design Methodology
Problems ASPNET Solves
So, What's the Problem?
Improving the User Experience
What Is AJax?
Advantages of Ajax
History of Ajax
Technologies That Make Up Ajax
Running Ajax Applications
Who's Using Ajax?
Problems Ajax Won't Solve
Chapter 2: introduction to DHTML
What JavaScript Is, and What It Isn't
General Rules of JavaScript
Writing Your First Biock of JavaScript Code
document. writeO
Using document.writeO in Nested for Loops
window.status and Events
Getting input from the User
Security Concerns When Getting Text Input
Canceling the Normal Outcome of an Event
Causing an Event Not to "Bubble Up"
Working with images
Working with the image src Attribute
Using Functions
Programmatically Populating the Options in