Begon, Michael

Ecology: From Individuals to Ecosystems - 5th,ed. - United Kingdom: Wiley, 2021. - 844p.

Ecology and its Domain xii 1 Organisms in their Environments: the Evolutionary Backdrop 1 2 Conditions 32 3 Resources 65 4 Matters of Life and Death 102 5 Intraspecific Competition 132 6 Movement and Metapopulations 169 7 Life History Ecology and Evolution 206 8 Interspecific Competition 240 9 The Nature of Predation 284 10 The Population Dynamics of Predation 320 11 Decomposers and Detritivores 357 12 Parasitism and Disease 378 13 Facilitation: Mutualism and Commensalism 416 14 Abundance 453 15 Pest Control Harvesting and Conservation 477 16 Community Modules and the Structure of Ecological Communities 522 17 Food Webs 544 18 Patterns in Community Composition in Space and Time 572 19 Patterns in Biodiversity and their Conservation 603 20 The Flux of Energy through Ecosystems 647 21 The Flux of Matter through Ecosystems 678 22 Ecology in a Changing World 708 References 743 Organism Index 798 Subject Index 812


Environment and Ecology.

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