Schlesinger, William H.

Biogeochemistry: an analysis of global change/ William H. Schlesinger - 2nd ed. - USA: Academic press, 1997. - XIII, 588 p.

Part I: Processes and Reactions 1. Introduction 2. Origins 3. The Atmosphere 4. The Lithosphere 5. The Biosphere: The Carbon Cycle of Terrestrial Ecosystems 6. The Biosphere: Biogeochemical Cycling on Land 7. Biogeochemistry in Freshwater Wetlands and Lakes 8. Rivers and Estuaries 9. The Oceans Part II: Global Cycles 10. The Global Water Cycle 11. The Global Carbon Cycle 12. The Global Cycles of Nitrogen and Phosphorus 13. The Global Sulfur Cycle 14. A Perspective


Biogeochemie ; SWD-ID: 41252433
Klimaänderung ; SWD-ID: 41641991

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