Denicolo, Pam

Shodh prastav kaise karen tyaiyar/ Pam Denicolo - SAGE, 2017.

Prologue; Serendipity; Intended Readers; Overview of the Rook; The Task Before You; What is a Research Proposal?; When Is a Research Proposal Required and Why?; What Are the Key Aspects of Proposal Preparation?; What Should Be Included in the Introduction, Rationale and Literature Review?; What Is the Significance of the Aims, Objectives, and Research Questions/Hypotheses?; What Should Be Included in the Methodology/Research Implementation Sections?; What Financial Considerations Are Required?; What Planning and Organisation Details Are Required?; Who Are the other Potential Contributors to and Referees for Your Project?; Where Does It End? Reactions, Reflections and Anticipations; Appendix 1 Funding Sources; Appendix 2 Resources; Glossary; Index.


Social Science