Narain, Jai P.

Three decades of HIV/AIDS in Asia Jai P. Narain - SAGE, 2012.

List of Abbreviations --
Message from the Regional Director, WHO/SEARO --
1. --
Three Decades of HIV/AIDS in Asia: Achievements, Lessons Learnt and Opportunities Ahead --
2. --
Epidemiology and Transmission Dynamics of the HIV Epidemic in Asia --
3. --
Natural History of HIV Infection --
4. --
Emerging Issues in HIV and TB Prevention: Role of Antiretrovirals for Prevention --
5. --
National Response to HIV/AIDS in Cambodia: A Health Sector Perspective --
6. --
HIV/AIDS in China: The Response and Challenges. 7. --
HIV/AIDS in India: The Epidemic and National Response --
8. --
The Rising Epidemic of HIV in Pakistan: Challenges to a Comprehensive Response --
9. --
Evolving Responses to HIV/AIDS in Thailand: Lessons Learnt --
10. --
HIV in Viet Nam --
11. --
Maintaining Low Levels of HIV for Three Decades: Case Studies from Bangladesh and Sri Lanka --
12. --
Epidemiology of Sexually Transmitted Infections in South-East Asia and Public Health Approach to Their Prevention and Control --
13. --
Interventions with Sex Workers: From the 100% Condom Use Programme to Community Empowerment. 14. --
The HIV Epidemic among People Who Inject Drugs in Asia: Progress and Unresolved Issues --
15. --
The Epidemic of HIV among Men Who Have Sex with Men and Transgender Populations in India --
16. --
Averting HIV Transmission through Safe Blood in the South-East Asia Region of WHO --
17. --
Eliminating Mother-to-Child HIV Transmission in Thailand --
18. --
Clinical Management of HIV/AIDS: Current Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment --
19. --
HIV Drug Resistance in Asia: An Emerging Problem --
20. --
Priority Areas for HIV/AIDS Operational Research in Asia. 21. --
Enhancing Access to Antiretroviral Drugs in Developing Countries --
22. --
HIV Vaccine Development in Asia --
23. --
Implications and Feasibility of Commercial Health Insurance for People Living with HIV in India --
About the Editor and Contributors.


Social Science