Rani, K. Suneetha

Influence of English on Indian Women Writers: Voices from Regional Languages/ K. Suneetha Rani - New Delhi: Sage, 2017.

Cover; Half title page; Title page; Copyright; Dedication ; Marketing page; Contents; Introduction; 1 Language, Reform and Nationalism; 2 Women and 'Reform'; 3 Colonized; 4 Rokeya's Dream; 5 Marathi Women Novelistsand Colonial Modernity; 6 Mukta Salve; 7 Writing Self; 8 Reconfiguring Boundaries; 9 Securing Pass Marks; 10 Women and English Education in Coorg/Kodagu; 11 Nation, Ideal Womanhood and English Education; 12 Between Langue and Parole; About the Editor and Contributors.


Social Science