Secularism, Islam and modernity: selected essays of Alam Khundmiri/ edited by M.T. Ansari - New Delhi: SAGE, 2001. - 308 p.

A Critical Examination of Islamic Traditionalism with Reference to the Demands of Modernization --
God --
The Contemporary Debate: the Islamic Perspective --
Some Problems of Inter-Religious Understanding --
Religion and Its Application to Modern Life: the Islamic Problem --
Man's Nature and Destiny: the Philosophic View in Islam --
Al-Ghazali's Repudiation of Causality: the Destruction of Philosophical Inquiry in Islam --
The Meaning of Reason in the Systems of Al-Farabi and Ibn Sina --
Eastern Aristotelians and Time --
The Tension between Morality and Law in Islam --
Iqbal on Human Knowledge --
Iqbal and Indian Sufism --
Iqbal on Time and Self --
Iqbal and the Existentialist Thinkers: Nietzsche, Kierkegaard and Heidegger --
The Political Philosophy of Iqbal --
Secularism: Western and Indian --
Some Distinctive Features of Indian Sufism --
The Changing Concept of Man in Sufi Literature --
Islam and Fascism --
Islam and Democracy --
Obscurantism and the Indian Situation (with special reference to the Indian Muslim community) --
Contemporary Religious Situation: An Existential Analysis


Islamic philosophy
Islam and secularism