Naqvi, Syed Nawab Haider

Vikas ka arthshastra: samaveshi samvriddhi ki or/ Syed Nawab Haider Naqvi - New Delhi: SAGE, 2017. - 290 p.

I: SPREADING OUT THE WINGS; Rival Perspectives on Development Policies; Inclusive Growth since 1950: A Preview Development Experience;

II: ANATOMY OF THE DEVELOPMENT REVOLUTION; The Development Revolution Revisited: Was It Real?; The Mainsprings of Development Revolution; Development Revolution: Was It Open or Closed?; Development Revolution and Pursuit of Inclusive Growth;

III: THE LIBERALIST DYSTOPIA; The outbreak Of Liberalism; Ascent of Liberalism; Liberalist Moral Rights Philosophy and Its Economic Agenda; Liberalism's (Non)Pursuit Of Inclusive Growth;

IV: ROLLING BACK THE LIBERALIST TIDE; Theoretical Challenges to Liberalism; The Downside of Privatization; Structural Adjustment Programs and Non-Inclusive Growth; The Amoral Basis of Liberalism;

V: THE HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVE; Human Development Initiative; The Human Development First Strategy; Choice between Human Development First Strategy and Growth-Mediated Strategy; Human Development Initiative on Key Growth-Related Issues; The Human Development Initiative and the Pursuit of Inclusive Growth;

VI: TOWARDS INCLUSIVE-GROWTH STRATEGY; The Inclusive Growth Strategy; Elements of Inclusive-Growth Strategy; Quest For Inclusive Growth; Basic Relationships between Growth, Equity, and Poverty; Facilitating Inclusive Growth; The Moral Motivation of the Inclusive-Growth Strategy; Holding Mirror to"Reality"?;


Social Science