Bandyopadhyay, Kausik

Sport, Culture and Nation : Perspectives from Indian Football and South Asian Cricket Kausik Bandyopadhyay - SAGE, 2015.

ntro --
Title Page --
Copyright Page --
Dedication Page --
For Our Readers --
Contents --
List of Illustrations --
List of Abbreviations --
Acknowledgements --
Introduction --
1 --
'The Nation and its Fragments': Football and Community in India --
2 --
Uncovering the Sleeping Giant Syndrome: India in Olympic Football --
3 --
Towards a Professional Identity: Soccer as a Career Option in Contemporary Manipur --
4 --
Cricket, Politics and Diplomacy: A Study of India's Friendship Tour of Pakistan, 2004 --
5 --
Cricketing Politics or Political Cricket: Politics, Power and Cricket Board Elections in India, 2004-2006 --
6 --
Asserting National Identity: The Decolonization of Bangladeshi Cricket --
7 --
Cricket under Siege: Terrorism, Security and the Future of Cricket in Pakistan --
8 --
Sport, Culture and Nation: Field Notes from Colombo and Kabul --
Epilogue --
Index --
About the Author.


Social Science