Nizami, Nausheen

Decent work: Insights from India's IT industry/ Nausheen Nizami; Narayan Prasad - SAGE, 2013.

Concept and philosophy --
Theoretical foundations of decent work --
Measuring decent work --
Selected decent work indicators in detail --
An introduction to global information economy and information technology --
India's information technology (IT) industry in the global information economy --
Key features of it industry?'s labour market : a critical review --
Empirical studies on IT industry and its labour market --
Applicability of decent work to India's information technology industry --
Introduction, methodology of the study and key features of the sample --
Decent work and productive employment --
Decent work and flexi-time work in IT industry --
Decent work and safe work --
Decent work and work-life balance of IT employees --
Decent work, employment conditions and social dialogue in IT industry --
Decent workplace and IT industry in india --
Decent work in IT industry : overall scenario --
Conclusion and policy implications of assessment of decent work in India.


Social Science