Stiftung, Accenture

Strategic research and political communication for NGOs: Initiating policy change/ Accenture-Stiftung - SAGE, 2009.

Cover; Contents; List of Tables; List of Figures; Preface; Acknowledgements; Introduction; 1 --
NGOs on the Agenda-Profi le of an Agent Provocateur; 2 --
India in Focus; 3 --
The Role of Political Communication in Agenda Setting; 4 --
Some Best Practice Case Studies; 5 --
A Framework for Initiating Policy Change; 6 --
Strategic Research; 7 --
Strategy; 8 --
Political Communication; 9 --
Strategic Communication Planning for NGOs; 10 --
Advocacy; 11 --
Evaluation and Policy Change; References; About the Authors


Social Science