Singh, Ujjwal Kumar

Human rights and peace: Ideas, laws, institutions and movements/ Ujjwal Kumar Singh - SAGE, 2008.

Declaration on the Right of Peoples to Peace, United Nations General Assembly Resolution 39/11 --
The human right to peace / peace declaration by the Director-General fo UNESCO --
In life, in death / Ranabir Samaddar --
SAARC in 2020 : the dream, the nightmare and the wake-up call / Rubina Saigol --
Archiving disquiet : feminist praxis and the nation-state / Uma Chakravarti --
Democracy in search of dignity / Gopal Guru --
On liberation : biography of a consciousness / Manoranjan Mohanty --
POTA and beyond : the silent erosion / Ujjwal Kumar Singh --
Gendered face of extraordinary powers in North-East India / Paula Banerjee --
Dalit lynching at Dulina : cow-protection, caste and communalism / People's Union for Democratic Rights --
War in the heart of India / Independent Citizens' Initiative --
Borders in the mind : Bangladeshis, a nowhere policy for a nowhere people / Pamela Philipose --
The concept of civil liberties / Ram Manohar Lohia --
Terrorism, state terrorism and democratic rights / Randhir Singh --
Human rights movement(s) in India : state, civil society and beyond / Ajay Gudavarthy --
Reduced to ashes : the insurgency and human rights in Punjab / Ram Naravan Kumar --
The Punjab mass cremations case : a postscript / Ashok Aggarwal --
National human rights commissions and internally displaced persons : the Sri Lankan experience / Mario Gomez.


Social Science