Pradhan, Basanta K

Social accounting matrix for India : concepts, construction and applications/ Basanta K. Pradhan, M.R. Saluja, Shalabh K. Singh. - SAGE, 2006.

Cover; Contents; List of Tables; List of Figures; Foreword; Preface; List of Abbreviations; 1. Introduction; Part I: Input-Output Analysis; 2. The Structure of an Input-Output Table; 3. The Input-Output Model: Multipliers and Linkages; 4. The Input-Output Model: Applications; Part II: SAM Analysis; 5. The Structure of a SAM; 6. The SAM Model: Multipliers, Linkages and Structural Path Analysis; 7. SAM: Applications; Part III: The Construction of a SAM-Methodology; 8. Methodology of Construction of Input-Output Table and SAM; 9. Reliability of SAM Estimates. 10. A Profile of Workers by Education and StatusAppendix I: Sector Classification for 115 Input-Output Transactions Table; Appendix II: Aggregated 60-Sector Classification for Input-Output Transactions Table; Appendix III: Social Accounting Matrix for India, 1994-95; Appendix IV: Social Accounting Matrix for India, 1997-98; Appendix V: Social Accounting Matrix for India, 2002-03; Appendix VI: A Profile of Workers by Education and Status; Bibliography; About the Authors.


Social Science