Parikh, Jyoti

Sustainable management of wetlands: biodiversity and beyond/ Jyoti Parikh - SAGE, 2003.

Overview of Indian wetlands / Y.N. Rao and Hemant Datye --
Wetland mapping : a remote-sensing perspective / P.S. Roy and Mukunda Dev Behera --
Coral reef ecosystem / M.V.M. Wafar and Sayeeda Wafar --
Mangrove ecosystems of India : status, management and policy / Sanjay Deshmukh and T.A. Rao --
Wetlands and river systems : some experiments in their ecodevelopment planning and integration / Prakash Gole --
An approach to indicators for wetland planning, monitoring and policy / Hemant Datye and Jyoti Parikh --
Economic assessment and wetland management / Jyoti Parikh and Hemant Datye --
Salient features of the ecosystem of the Keoladeo National Park / V.S. Vijayan and Lalitha Vijayan --
People's participation in wetland conservation through conservation education : a case study of Keoladeo National Park, Bharatpur / Prashant V. Mahajan --
The valuation of biodiversity within protected areas : alternative approaches and a case study / Kanchan Chopra --
The need and approach for a wetland protected area network in India / B.C. Choudhury and T.L. Raghu Ram --
Developing a national wetland strategy / Jyoti Parikh, Hemant Datye and T.L. Raghu Ram.


Social Science