Practical approaches to biological inorganic chemistry/ edited by Robert Crichton - Elsevier, 2020. - 504 p.

Chapter 1 - An overview of the role of metals in biology

Chapter 2 - Introduction to ligand field theory and computational chemistry

Chapter 3 - Molecular magnetochemistry

Chapter 4 - EPR spectroscopy

Chapter 5 - Introduction to biomolecular nuclear magnetic resonance and metals

Chapter 6 - 57Fe-Mössbauer spectroscopy and basic interpretation of Mössbauer parameters

Chapter 7 - X-ray absorption and emission spectroscopy in biology

Chapter 8 - Resonance Raman spectroscopy and its application in bioinorganic chemistry

Chapter 9 - An introduction to electrochemical methods for the functional analysis of metalloproteins

Chapter 10 - Structural biology techniques: X-ray crystallography, cryo-electron microscopy, and small-angle X-ray scattering

Chapter 11 - Genetic and molecular biological approaches for the study of metals in biology


Bioinorganic chemistry