Chen, Bryan-Gin-ge

Quantum Field Theory: Lectures of Sidney Coleman - New Jersey: World Scienctific, 2019. - xli, 1152 p. illustrations ; 27 cm

Adding Special Relativity to Quantum Mechanics --
The Simplest Many-Particle Theory --
Constructing a Scalar Quantum Field --
The Method of the Missing Box --
Symmetries and Conservation Laws I. Spacetime Symmetries --
Symmetries and Conservation Laws II. Internal Symmetries --
Introduction to Perturbation Theory and Scattering --
Perturbation Theory I. Wick Diagrams --
Perturbation Theory II. Divergences and Counterterms --
Mass Renormalization and Feynman Diagrams --
Scattering I. Mandelstam Variables, CPT and Phase Space --
Scattering II. Applications --
Green's Functions and Heisenberg Fields --
The LSZ Formalism --
Renormalization I. Determination of Counterterms --
Renormalization II. Generalization and Extension --
Unstable Particles --
Representations of the Lorentz Group --
The Dirac Equation I. Constructing a Lagrangian --
The Dirac Equation II. Solutions --
The Dirac Equation III. Quantization and Feynman Rules --
CPT and Fermi Fields --
Renormalization of Spin-1⁄2 Theories --
Isospin --
Coping with Infinities : Regularization and Renormalization --
Vector Fields --
Electromagnetic Interactions and Minimal Coupling --
Functional Integration and Feynman Rules --
Extending the Methods of Functional Integrals --
Electrodynamics with a Massive Photon --
The Faddeev-Popov Prescription --
Generating Functionals and Green's Functions --
The Renormalization of QED --
Two Famous Results in QED --
Confronting Experiment with QED --
Introducing SU(3) --
Irreducible Multiplets in SU(3) --
SU(3): Proofs and Applications --
Broken SU(3) and the Naive Quark Model --
Weak Interactions and Their Currents --
Current Algebra and PCAC --
Current Algebra and Pion Scattering --
A First Look at Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking --
Perturbative Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking --
Topics in Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking --
The Higgs Mechanism and Non-Abelian Gauge Fields --
The Glashow Salam Weinberg Model I. A Theory of Leptons --
The Glashow Salam Weinberg Model II. Adding Quarks --


Quantum field theory.

530.143 / EDI/Q