Encyclopedia of ecology/ edited by Sven Erik Jorgensen, Brian D. Fath - Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2008. - Online resource

Vol. 1. Abiotic and Biotic Diversity in the Biosphere --
Abundance --
Abundance Biomass Comparison Method --
Acclimation --
Acidification --
Acute and Chronic Toxicity --
Adaptation --
Adaptive Agents --
Adaptive Cycle --
Adaptive Management and Integrative Assessments --
Adsorption --
Age Structure and Population Dynamics --
Age-Class Models --
Agriculture --
Agriculture Models --
Agriculture Systems --
Agroforestry --
Air Quality Modeling --
Allee Effects --
Allometric Principles --
Allopatry --
Alpine Ecosystems and the High-Elevation Treeline --
Alpine Forest --
Altruism --
Amensalism --
Ammonification --
Animal Defense Strategies --
Animal Home Ranges --
Animal Physiology --
Animal Prey Defenses --
Antagonistic and Synergistic Effects of Antifouling Chemicals in Mixture --
Anthropospheric and Anthropogenic Impact on the Biosphere --
Antibiotics in Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems --
Antipredation Behavior --
Application of Ecological Informatics --
Applied Ecology --
Aquatic Organisms --
Artificial Neural Networks --
Artificial Neural Networks: Temporal Networks --
Ascendency --
Assimilative Capacity --
Association --
Astrobiology --
Atmospheric Deposition --
Autecology --
Autocatalysis --
Autotrophs --
Average Taxonomic Diversity and Distinctness --
Bayesian Networks --
Behavioral and Ecological Genetics --
Benthic Response Index --
Benzene --
Berger-Parker Index --
Bifurcation --
Bioaccumulation --
Bioavailability --
Biodegradability --
Biodegradation --
Biodiversity --
Biogeochemical Approaches to Environmental Risk Assessment --
Biogeochemical Models --
Biogeocoenosis as an Elementary Unit of Biogeochemical Work in the Biosphere --
Biological Control Models --
Biological Integrity --
Biological Nitrogen Fixation --
Biological Rhythms --
Biological Wastewater Treatment Systems --
Biomagnification --
Biomass --
Biomass, Gross Production, and Net Production --
Biophilia --
Biosphere: Vernadsky's Concept --
Biotopes --
Body Residues --
Body Size, Energetics, and Evolution --
Body-Size Patterns --
Boltzmann Learning --
Boreal Forest --
Botanical Gardens --
Buffer Zones --
Calcium Cycle --
Cannibalism --
Carbon Cycle --
Carrying Capacity --
Catastrophe Theory --
Caves --
Cellular Automata --
Chaos --
Chaparral --
Chemical Communication --
Classical and Augmentative Biological Control --
Classification and Regression Trees --
Climate Change 1: Short-Term Dynamics --
Climate Change 2: Long-Term Dynamics --
Climate Change 3: History and Current State --
Climate Change Models --
Clines --
Coastal and Estuarine Environments --
Coastal Zone Management --
Coastal Zone Restoration --
Coevolution --
Coevolution of the Biosphere and Climate --
Coevolutionary Research --
Coexistence --
Cognition and Behavioral Ecology --
Colonization --
Commensalisms --
Communication --
Community --
Competition and Behavior --
Competition and Coexistence in Model Populations --
Competition and Competition Models --
Composting and Formation of Humic Substances --
Computer Languages --
Conceptual Diagrams and Flow Diagrams --
Connectance and Connectivity --
Conservation Biological Control and Biopesticides in Agricultural --
Constructed Wetlands, Subsurface Flow --
Constructed Wetlands, Surface Flow --
Cooperation --
Copper --
Coral Reefs --
Crude Oil, Oil, Gasoline and Petrol --
Cybernetics --
Cycling and Cycling Indices. Vol. 2. Data Mining --
Death --
Decomposition and Mineralization --
Defense Strategies of Marine and Aquatic Organisms --
Deforestation --
Demography --
Denitrification --
Desert Streams --
Deserts --
Design Principles --
Detritus --
Development Capacity --
Dioxin --
Dispersal-Migration --
Dominance --
Dominance and Its Evolution --
Dormancy --
Dose-Response --
Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response --
Dunes --
Eco-Exergy as an Ecosystem Health Indicator --
Eco-Exergy to Emergy Flow Ratio --
Ecological Catastrophe --
Ecological Complexity --
Ecological Economics --
Ecological Economics --
Ecological Effects of Acidic Deposition --
Ecological Efficiency --
Ecological Engineering: Overview --
Ecological Feminism --
Ecological Footprint --
Ecological Health Indicators --
Ecological Informatics: Overview --
Ecological Models, Optimization --
Ecological Network Analysis, Ascendency --
Ecological Network Analysis, Energy Analysis --
Ecological Network Analysis, Environ Analysis --
Ecological Niche --
Ecological Risk Assessment --
Ecological Stoichiometry: Overview --
Ecological Systems Thinking --
Ecophysiology --
Ecosystem Ecology --
Ecosystem Health Indicators --
Ecosystem Patterns and Processes --
Ecosystem Services --
Ecosystems --
Ecotoxicological Model of Populations, Ecosystems, and Landscapes --
Ecotoxicology Nomenclature: LC, LD, LOC, LOEC, MAC --
Ecotoxicology: The Focal Topics --
Ecotoxicology: The History and Present Directions --
Edaphic Factor --
Edge Effect --
Emergent Properties --
Emergy --
Emergy and Network Analysis --
Empirical Models --
Endangered Species --
Endemism --
Endocrine Disruptors --
Endocrine Disruptors: Effect in Wildlife and Laboratory Animals --
Endocrine Disruptor Chemicals: Overview --
Endotherm --
Energy Balance --
Energy Flows in the Biosphere --
Entropy --
Entropy and Entropy Flows in the Biosphere --
Environmental and Biospheric Impacts of Nuclear War --
Environmental Impact Assessment and Application --
Part 1 --
Environmental Impact Assessment and Application --
Part 2 --
Environmental Impact of Sludge Treatment and Recycling in Reed Bed Systems --
Environmental Protection and Ecology --
Environmental Security --
Environmental Space --
Environmental Stress and Evolutionary Change --
Environmental Tolerance --
Enzymatic Processes --
Epidemiological Studies of Reproductive Effects in Humans --
Epifauna and Epiflora --
Equilibrium Concept in Phytoplankton Communities --
Erosion --
Estuaries --
Estuarine Ecohydrology --
Estuary Restoration --
Eukaryotes, Origin of --
Evapotranspiration --
Evolution of Defense Strategies --
Evolution of Oceans --
Evolution of 'Prey-Predator' Systems --
Evolutionary Algorithms --
Evolutionary and Biochemical Aspects --
Evolutionary Ecology: Overview --
Excretion --
Exergy --
Exergy Destruction as an Ecological Indicator --
Exploitation --
Exposure and Exposure Assessment --
Fecundity --
Feldmann Index --
Fermentation --
Fire --
Fish Growth --
Fisheries Management --
Fishery Models --
Fishes as Indicators of Estuarine Health and Estuarine Importance --
Fitness --
Fitness Landscapes --
Floodplains --
Food Chains and Food Webs --
Food Specialization --
Food-Web Bioaccumulation Models --
Forest Management --
Forest Models --
Forest Plantations --
Forestry Management --
Freshwater Lakes --
Freshwater Marshes --
Fundamental Laws in Ecology --
Fungal Defense Strategies --
Fungi and Their Role in the Biosphere --
Fuzzy Models. Vol. 3. Gaia Hypothesis --
Gause's Competitive Exclusion Principle --
Generation Time --
Global Change Impacts on the Biosphere --
Global Warming Potential and the Net Carbon Balance --
Goal Functions and Orientors --
Grassland Models --
Grazing --
Grazing Models --
Greenhouses, Microcosms, and Mesocosms --
Growth Constraints: Michaelis-Menten Equation and Liebig's Law --
Growth Models --
Habitat --
Habitat Selection and Habitat Suitability Preferences --
Halogenated Hydrocarbons --
Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium --
Herbivore-Predator Cycles* --
Hierarchy Theory in Ecology --
Hill's Postulates --
History of Ecology --
Homeostasis --
Homeotherms --
Hopfield Network --
Human Ecology: Overview --
Human Population Growth --
Hunting --
Hydrodynamic Models --
Hydrosphere --
Hysteresis --
Impoundments --
Imprinting --
Indirect Effects in Ecology --
Individual-Based Models --
Industrial Ecology --
Information and Information Flows in the Biosphere --
Insect Pest Models and Insecticide Application --
Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis --
Internet --
Intertidal Zonation --
Invasive Plants --
Invasive Species --
Iron Cycle --
Irrigation in Agriculture --
Island Biogeography --
Isolation --
k-Dominance Curves --
Kin Selection --
Lagoons --
Lake Models --
Lake Restoration --
Lake Restoration Methods --
Landfills --
Landscape Ecology --
Landscape Modeling --
Landscape Planning --
Land-Use Modeling --
Lead --
Leaf Area Index Models --
Leaf Area Index --
Learning --
Life Forms, Plants --
Life-Cycle Assessment --
Life-History Patterns --
Light Extinction --
Limiting Factors and Liebig's Principle --
Limits to Growth --
Macroevolution --
Mangrove Wetlands --
Margalef's Index --
Mariculture Waste Management --
Marine Models --
Mass Cultivation of Freshwater Microalgae --
Mass Production of Marine Macroalgae --
Material and Metal Ecology --
Mathematical Ecology --
Mating Systems --
Matrix Models --
Matter and Matter Flows in the Biosphere --
Maximum Sustainable Yield --
Mediterranean --
Mesocosm Management --
Metacommunities --
Metapopulation Models --
Methane in the Atmosphere --
Microbial Communities --
Microbial Cycles --
Marine and Aquatic Defense Strategies --
Microbial Ecological Processes: Aerobic/Anaerobic --
Microbial Ecology --
Microbial Models --
Microclimate --
Microcosms --
Mine Area Remediation --
Model Development and Analysis --
Model Types: Overview --
Modules in Modeling --
Monitoring, Observations, and Remote Sensing --
Global Dimensions --
Monocultures versus Polycultures --
Mortality --
Multilayer Perceptron --
Multitrophic Integration for Sustainable Marine Aquaculture --
Mutagenesis --
Mutualism --
Natural Wetlands --
Neutral Theory --
Nitrification --
Nitrogen --
Nitrogen Cycle --
Noosphere --
Numerical Methods for Distributed Models --
Numerical Methods for Local Models --
Ocean Currents and Their Role in the Biosphere --
Optimal Foraging --
Optimal Foraging Theory --
Optimal Reproductive Tactics --
Ordination --
Organic Farming --
Organismal Ecophysiology --
Orientation, Navigation, and Searching --
Oxygen Cycle --
Ozone Layer. Vol. 4. Paleoecology --
Panarchy --
Parameters --
Parasites --
Parasitism --
Participatory Modeling --
Peatlands --
Pedosphere --
Pelagic Predators --
Persistent Organic Pollutants --
Phenols --
Phenomenon of Life: General Aspects --
Phenotypic Plasticity --
Pheromones --
Philosophy of Ecology: Overview --
Phosphorus Cycle --
Photolysis --
Phthalates --
Physical Transport Processes in Ecology: Advection, Diffusion, and Dispersion --
Physiological Ecology --
Phytoremediation --
Phytosociology --
Pioneer Species --
Plant Competition --
Plant Defense --
Plant Defense Strategies --
Plant Demography --
Plant Ecology --
Plant Growth Models --
Plant Physiology --
Plutonium --
Poikilotherms --
Polar Terrestrial Ecology --
Pollination --
Pollution Indices --
Polychaetes/Amphipode Index --
Polychlorinated Biphenyls --
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons --
Population and Community Interactions --
Population Viability Analysis --
Populations: r- and K-Selection --
Precaution and Ecological Risk --
Precipitation Pattern --
Predation --
Prey-Predator Models --
Principal Components Analysis --
Radiation Balance and Solar Radiation Spectrum --
Radiation Ecology --
Radioactivity --
Radionuclides: Their Biogeochemical Cycles and the Impacts on the Biosphere --
Reaeration --
Recruitment --
Remote Sensing --
Reproductive Toxicity --
Resilience --
Resistance and Buffer Capacity --
Respiration --
Retrospective Analysis --
Rhizosphere Ecology --
Riparian Wetlands --
Riparian Zone Management and Restoration --
Risk Management Safety Factor --
River Models --
Rivers and Streams: Ecosystem Dynamics and Integrating Paradigms --
Rivers and Streams: Physical Setting and Adapted Biota --
Rocky Intertidal Zone --
r-Strategist/K-Strategists --
Saline and Soda Lakes --
Salinity --
Salt Marshes --
Saprobic System --
Savanna --
Scale --
Scavengers --
Schrödinger's Ratio --
Seasonality --
Sediment Retention and Release --
Sediments: Setting, Transport, Mineralization, and Modeling --
Seed Dispersal --
Self-Organization --
Self-Organizing Map --
Semiotic Ecology --
Sensitivity and Uncertainty --
Sensitivity, Calibration, Validation, Verification --
Sewage Sludge Technologies --
Sex Ratio --
Shannon-Wiener Index --
Simpson Index --
Simulated Annealing --
Social Behavior --
Socioecological Systems --
Software --
Soil Ecology --
Soil Erosion by Water --
Soil Formation --
Soil Movement by Tillage and Other Agricultural Activities --
Spatial Distribution --
Spatial Distribution Models --
Spatial Models and Geographic Information Systems --
Spatial Subsidy --
Specific Exergy as Ecosystem Health Indicator --
Stability --
Stability versus Complexity --
Statistical Methods --
Statistical Prediction --
Steppes and Prairies --
Stream Management --
Stream Restoration --
Structural Dynamic Models --
Structure and History of Life --
Succession --
Sulfur Cycle --
Support Vector Machines --
Suspension Feeders --
Sustainable Development --
Swamps --
Sympatry --
Synecology --
Synthetic Polymers --
System Omnivory Index --
Systems Ecology. Vol. 5. Taxis --
Technology for Sustainability --
Temperate Forest --
Temperature Patterns --
Temperature Regulation --
Temporary Waters --
Teratogenesis --
Terrestrial Arthropods --
The Significance of O2 for Biology --
Thermoregulation in Animals --
Tolerance Range --
Trace Elements --
Tragedy of the Ecological Commons --
Transport in Porous Media --
Transport over Membranes --
Tree Growth --
Trophic Classification for Lakes --
Trophic Index and Efficiency --
Trophic Structure --
Tropical Ecology --
Tropical Rainforest --
Tropical Seasonal Forest --
Tundra --
Turnover Time --
Units of Selection --
Upwelling Ecosystems --
Uranium --
Urban Systems --
Urbanization as a Global Ecological Process --
Veterinary Medicines --
Visualization and Interaction Design for Ecosystem Modeling --
Vitalism versus Physical-Chemical Explanations --
Volatalization --
Wastewater Treatment Models --
Water Availability --
Water Cycle --
Water Cycle Management --
Watershed Management --
Watershed Models --
Wavelet Network --
Waves as an Ecological Process --
Weathering --
Weed Control Models --
Wetland Models --
Wildlife Ecology --
Wind Effects --
Wind Shelterbelts --
Wireless Sensor Networks Enabling Ecoinformatics --
Xenobiotic (Pesticides, PCB, Dioxins) Cycles --
Appendix --
Useful Tables of Ecological Properties.


Environmental Science