Jugdep S. Chima

Ethnic sub nationalist insurgencies in south Asia: identities, interests and challenges to state authority/ - London: Routledge, 2015. - xvii, 197 p.

1. Ethnic Subnationalist Insurgencies in Contemporary South Asia: An Introduction Jugdep S. Chima
2. The Kashmir Insurgency: Multiple Actors, Divergent Interests, Institutionalized Conflict Deepti Sharma
3. The Political Economy and Changing Organizational Dynamics of the ULFA Insurgency in Assam Pahi Saikia
4. The Khalistan Movement in Punjab, India and the Post-Militancy Era: Structural Change and New Political Compulsions Virginia Van Dyke
5. Insurgencies of Northeast India: Ethnic/Tribal Competition, State Responses, and Underdevelopment Lawrence E. Cline
6. The LTTE and Tamil Insurgency in Sri Lanka: Political/Cultural Grievance, Unsuccessful Negotiations, and Organizational Evolution Jayadeva Uyangoda
7. Renewed Ethnonationalist Insurgency in Balochistan, Pakistan: The Militarized State and Continuing Economic Deprivation Adeel Khan
8. Conflict in the Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh: An Unimplemented Accord and Continued Violence Pranab Kumar Panday & Ishtiaq Jamil
9. The Naxalites of India, Maoists of Nepal, and Taliban of Pakistan: Ideological Insurgencies in South Asia Vasundhara Sirnate 10. Ethnic Sub Nationalist Insurgencies in Contemporary South Asia: A Conclusion Jugdeep S. Chima


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