Regional autonomy, cultural diversity and differentiated territorial government: the dase of Tibet – Chinese and comparative perspectives/ edited by Roberto Toniatti and Jens Woelk - New York: Routledge, 2017. - 322 p.

Part I Differentiated Territorial Government in China: Potential for Tibet?
1. Foreign Influence and Constitutionalism in the PRC: A Western Perspective on Change and Uncertainty in Contemporary Chinese Legal Culture John W. Head
2. The Rule of Law in China: Fundamental Uncertainties. About "Decoding" a Fundamental Concept John W. Head
3. Dilemmas of "Genuine Autonomy" for Tibet Yash Ghai
4. Chinese Policies on Regional Self-Government: The Case of Tibet Michael C. Davis
5. The Memorandum on Genuine Autonomy for the Tibetan People: An Explanatory Introduction to the Tibetan Proposal Michael C. Van Walt van Praag
Part II Practice of Regional Autonomy: Experiences Compared
6. From Compromise to Compact? Working Autonomy in South Tyrol Jens Woelk
7. Asymmetric Regionalism in Spain: Catalonia and the Basque Country Rafael Bustos Gisbert
8. Devolution and Devolution Plus: Anti-foundationalist Foundations for Constitutionalism John Morison
9. Can Quebec's Relative Autonomy within Canada be a Template for Tibet? Jean-Francois Gaudreault-Desbiens
10. The Autonomy of Aceh Hans-Joachim Heintze
11. Sometimes Guns Are the Answer. The Path to Autonomy in Tibet, Burma, and South Sudan David C. Williams
12. Territorial Autonomy in India Thomas Benedikter
13. Is Malaysian Federalism a Good or a Warning Example for Solving the China/Tibet Issue? A Brief Inquiry into a Half-Century Experiment in Asymmetric Federalism Andrew Harding Concluding Observations One Country, Three Systems: The Tibetan Quest for Genuine Autonomy Between European Experiences and Asian Perspectives Roberto Toniatti


Self-determination, National--China--Tibet Autonomous Region
Autonomy and Independence Movements

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