Hazan, Eric,

A people's history of the French Revolution / Eric Hazan ; translated by David Fernbach. - English edition. - London: Verso, 2014. - 432 pages ; 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.

1. How Things Stood
France under Louis XVI

2. Towards the Estates-General
Impending bankruptcy, the rebellion of the Parlements, provincial disturbances, elections

3. May to September 1789
The Estates-General, the Constituent Assembly at Versailles - the Tennis Court oath, the storming of the Bastille, the Great Fear, the night of 4 August, the Declaration of Rights

4. October 1789 to July 1790
The Constituent Assembly in Paris — The journees of 5 and 6 October, the clubs,
administrative reorganization, the Fete de la Federation

5. July 1790 to September 1791
The Nancy massacre, the flight to Varennes, the massacre on the Champde-Mars, repression

6. October 1791 to June 1792
The Leslative Assembly moves towards war, the duel between Brissot and Robespierre, the first defeats

7. June to August 1792
The journee of 20 June, the Brunswick Manifesto, the taking ofthe Tuileries, the end of the monarchy, the September massacres

8. September 1792 to January 1793
The opening of the Convention — Valmy, the proclamation of the Republic, the clash between Gironde and Montagne, the trial and execution of the king

9. October 1792 to June 1793
From victory to defeat, the declaration of war against England and Spain, the insurrection in the Vendee, the fall of the Gironde

10. June to October 1793
The federalist' uprising, the Committee of Public Safety, the assassination of Marat, the Enrages and the popular movement, the general maximum

11. October to December 1793
Trial and execution of the Girondins, the Wattignies victory, the end of the Vendee war, the repression

12. Autumn 1793
Dechristianization, the cultural revolution of year II, the Frimaire reversal

13. Brumaire to Germinal Year II / November 1793 to April 1794
The foreign plot', the fall of the factions': trial and execution of the Cordeliers and Dantonists

14. April to July 1794
The dramas of Germinal and Thermidor

Epilogue: The Meaning of 9 Thermidor

9781781685891 (hardback : alk. paper) 1781685894 (hardback : alk. paper)


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