Parveen, Shaila

Status of Muslims and madarsa education in Varanasi/ Shaila Parveen - Varanasi: Bharati, 2017. - 328 p.

1. Introduction
• Muslims in India
• Socio Economic and Educational Condition
of Muslims in India
• Madarsa Education in India
• History of Madarsa
• Types of Muslims Institution in India
• Central Madarsa Board
2. Review of literature
3. Research Methodology-
• Objectives of the Study
• Hypothesis
• Definition of the Major Terms
• Sampling
• Design of the Study
• Data Collection
4. Government policies to modernize
Legal Status and Resources
• Post Indepenece Interaction between
Madarsas and State
• Constitutional Provisions; Securing the
Existence and Propagation of Madarsas
• Status of Madarsas in Uttar Pradesh
14 Status of Muslinis and Mddarsa Education in Varanasi
5. Data Analysis and Interpretation of
Socio-economic Background of Parents
Structure of Family
Occupation of Family
Monthly Income of the Respondent
Perception towards Modern Education
Compare to other Educational Institution
Residential Condition
Data Analysis of Administration
Physical Infrastructure and Teaching
Supply of Electricity
Availability of Safe Drinking Water
and Toilets
Sports Facilities
Library Facilities
Dropout Rate
7. Data Analysis and Interpretation of
Teachers Schedule
Age of the Respondent
Caste of the Respondent
Monthly Income
Parent's Teacher Meeting
Negative Perception about Madarsa
8. Curriculum of Madarsa in Varanasi
Syllabus of Madrasa
Syllabus of Government School
9. Focus Group Discussion and Case Study
FGD with Teachers
FGD with Students
FGD with Parents
10. Summary, Finding, and Recommendation
• View of Madarsa Organizers
• View of Parents
• Student's Reaction
• Emerging Issues and Problems
• Suggestions
• Bibliography
• Glossary
• Some Glimpses inside the
Madaras in Varanasi


Madarsa Education in India

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