Miller, Delbert Charles,

Handbook of research design & social measurement / Handbook of research design and social measurement Delbert C. Miller, Neil J. Salkind. - 6th ed. - Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Sage Publications, c2002. - xxi, 786 p. ; 26 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

PART 1.UNDERSTANDING BASIC, APPLIED, AND EVALUATION RESEARCH1.1 Defining the Characteristics of Basic, Applied, and Evaluation Research1.2 The Orientation and Commitment of The Basic Researcher1.3 The Orientation and Commitment of the Applied Researcher1.4 The Orientation And Commitment Of The Evaluation Researcher1.5 General Readings on Basic, Applied and Evaluation ResearchPART 2: BASIC RESEARCH DESIGN2.1 Basic Guide For The Design Of A Social Research Proposal2.2 Formulating A Research Problem2.3 Evaluating Research Studies2.4 Elements of Research Design2.5 Choosing a Research Design2.6 How Science Is Built Importance of Conceptual Definition and Theory Formulation - G. J. DiRenzo Assumptions Underlying the Application of the Scientific Method - G. Sjoberg, & R. NettDilemmas of the Researcher and the Distinctiveness of Behavioral Science - A. Kaplan2.7 The Impact Of Sociological Theory On Empirical Research Empirical Generalizations in Sociology - R. K. Merton2.8 Bridging The Gap Between The Languages Of Theory And Research Causal Inferences in Non-Experimental Research - H. M. Blalock, Jr.2.9 Criteria for Judging the Usefulness of an Hypotheses Methods in Social Research - W. J. Goode, & P. K. Hatt2.10 Science: Simultaneously Observational, Experimental, and Historical Science: Observational, Experimental, Historical - R. Siever2.11 Guides for Design, Model Building, and Large-Scale Research Some Observations on Study Design - S. A. Stouffer2.12 The Role Of Models In Research Design2.13 General Considerations Of Research Design2.14 Factors Jeopardizing Internal And External Validity Of Research Designs Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Designs for Research - D. T. Campbell, & J. C. Stanley2.15 Sampling2.16 A Selected Bibliography On Basic Research and Research DesignPart 3. APPLIED AND EVALUATION RESEARCH 3.1 A Rationale for Applied Sociology as it Relates to Policy-Making3.2 Applied Research Design3.3 Fitting An Applied Research Design To A Problem3.4 The Mood Of The Academic Researcher Engaged In Applied Research3.5 The Application of Successful Applied Research through Policy Analysis Policy Analysis - R. Haskins3.6 Bibliography On Applied Sociology, Knowledge Utilization, And Policy-Making3.7 Evaluation Research As A Process3.8 Ethical Practices in ResearchPART 4. QUALITATIVE RESEARCH - J. Cresswell, & R. C. Maiette4.1 Introduction4.2 Systematic Inquiry Approaches4.3 A Conceptual Overview of Five Inquiry Approaches4.4 Narrative Research4.5 Phenomenology4.6 Grounded Theory Research4.7 An Ethnography4.8 The Case Study4.9 Qualitative Data Analysis Software4.10 Conclusion4.11 References4.12 Qualitative Research Methodology: A New Perspective The New Frontier in Qualitative Research Methodology - E. W. Eisner4.13 Further Resources for Qualitative ResearchersPART V GUIDES TO METHODS AND TECHNIQUES OF COLLECTING DATA IN LIBRARY, FIELD, AND LABORATORY SETTINGS: SOCIAL SCIENCE DATA LIBRARIES AND RESEARCH CENTERS5.1 Outline Guide To Situses, Principal Methods, And Techniques Of The Social Science Researcher5.2 A Review of Print and Online Social Science Research Resources5.3 United States Bureau of the Census and other Federal Sources of Information5.4 FedStats5.5 Data Mining through Federal Resources5.6 General Databases of Bibliographic Material5.7 Using Search Engines5.8 Microfiche as an Archival Medium5.9 Online Computer Library Center5.10 Documentary Resources Available In The Library5.11 Guides For Selection And Construction Of Questionnaires5.12 Techniques For Increasing Response Rates5.13 Guides For Selection And Use Of Personal Interviews As Utilized In Field Research5.14 Description of And Instructions For Preparation Of A Telephone Interview Survey5.15 A Comparison Of Telephone Surveys With Personal Interviews5.16 Choosing Among The Mail Questionnaire, Personal Interview, And Telephone Survey5.17 The Panel Technique As A Research Instrument5.18 Guides For The Selection And Construction Of Social Scales And Indices5.19 Guide To Databases Of Collected Data For The Social Science Researcher5.20 Social Science Data Archives in the United States5.21 Directories Of Social Research Centers5.22 Important Research Associations And Institutes Affiliated With The International Sociological Association5.23 A Bibliography Of Methods Guides5.24 A Comment on the InternetPART 6 GUIDE TO STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF SOCIAL SCIENCE DATA6.1 Questioning Science The Impertinent Questioner:The Scientist's Guide to the Statistician's Mind - W. Lurie6.2 Four Levels Of Measurement And The Statistics Appropriate To Each Level6.3 The Meaning and Use of Statistical Significance The Concept of Statistical Significance Testing - B. Thompson6.4 Summary Of Common Measures Of Association and Group Differences6.5 An Overview of Measures of Association6.6 An Overview of Tests of the Difference Between Means6.7 Causation And Multivariate Analysis: From Univariate And Bivariate Problems to Multivariate Analysis of Social Behavior6.8 An Overview of Other Statistical Techniques and Examples of Their Application6.9 Using The Computer In Social Science Research6.10 Software Applications for the Computer6.11 A Guide To Computer Periodicals And Other Publications6.12 A Bibliography Of Statistical Methods6.13 Contents Of Sociological Methodology 1994 Through 2000PART 7 ASSESSING SOCIAL VARIABLES: SCALES AND INDEXES7.1 General Assessment Sources7.2 Scales Assessing Social Status7.3 Scales Assessing Group Structure and Dynamics7.4 Social Indicators7.5 National Economic Indicators7.6 Measures of Organizational Structure7.7 Community7.8 Social Participation7.9 Leadership in the Work Organization7.10 Morale and Job Satisfaction7.11 Scales of Attitudes, Values, and Norms7.12 Family and Marriage7.13 Personality Measurements7.14 Citations, Focus, and Purpose of Studies Reported in the Past Five Years in the American Journal of Sociology, The American Sociological Review, and Social Psychology Quarterly7.15 Measures of Personality and Social Psychological Attitudes7.16 The Buros Institute and the Buros Mental Measurements Yearbook7.17 How Researchers Create Their Own Scales: An Activity of Last ResortPART 8 RESEARCH PROPOSAL, FUNDING, BUDGETING, REPORTING, AND CAREER PLANNING8.1 The Research Grant Proposal8.2 Research Funding8.3 Major Sources of Funding Information8.4 Common Reasons for Rejection of Grant Proposals8.5 Further Readings on Grantsmanship and Proposal Writing Grantsmanship8.6 The National Science Foundation (NSF)8.7 National Institutes of Health (NIH)8.8 Department of Health and Human Services8.9 National Institute of Justice8.10 Federal Government Agencies and Private Organizations Offering Fellowships and Grants8.11 Sources of Information for Other Fellowships and Grant Opportunities8.12 Estimating Research Costs8.13 Research Reporting8.14 A Guide to Publications8.15 Where Prestigious Sociologists Publish and Why8.16 Getting Published8.17 Professional Memberships and Organizations8.18 Planning for a Career in the Social Sciences


Social sciences--Research.

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