Zhang, Qun

Multiphysics Modeling: Numerical Methods and Engineering Applications / - Elsevier, 2016.

1 - The physics models
Pages 1-96

2 - Physics coupling phenomena and formulations
Pages 97-124

3 - The coupling methods
Pages 125-156

4 - Nonstructural physics with moving boundary
Pages 157-176

5 - Stabilization schemes for highly nonlinear problems
Pages 177-200

6 - Coupling simulation for rotating machines
Pages 201-225

7 - High-performance computing for multiphysics problems
Pages 227-231

8 - General multiphysics study cases
Pages 233-250

9 - Multiphysics applications in automotive engineering
Pages 251-294

10 - Computational fluid dynamics in aerospace field and CFD-based multidisciplinary simulations
Pages 295-328

11 - Multiphysics simulation of microelectro-mechanical systems devices
Pages 329-338

12 - Bidirectional multiphysics simulation of turbine machinery
Pages 339-361

13 - Multiphysics modeling for biomechanical problems
Pages 363-373

14 - Other multiphysics applications
Pages 375-386

15 - Code implementation of multiphysics modeling
Pages 387-396