S. Friedlander, D. Serre

Handbook of Mathematical Fluid Dynamics / - Elsevier, 2007.

Chapter 1 - On the Contact Topology and Geometry of Ideal Fluids
Robert Ghrist
Pages 1-37

Chapter 2 - Shock Reflection in Gas Dynamics
Denis Serre, À ma Mère
Pages 39-122

Chapter 3 - The Mathematical Theory of the Incompressible Limit in Fluid Dynamics
Steven Schochet
Pages 123, 125-157

Chapter 4 - Local Regularity Theory of the Navier–Stokes Equations
G. Seregin
Pages 159, 161-200

Chapter 5 - On the influence of the Earth's Rotation on Geophysical Flows
Isabelle Gallagher, Laure Saint-Raymond
Pages 201-329

Chapter 6 - The Foundations of Oceanic Dynamics and Climate Modeling
George R. Sell
Pages 331-405

Chapter 7 - Mathematical Properties of the Solutions to the Equations Governing the Flow of Fluids with Pressure and Shear Rate Dependent Viscosities*
J. Málek, K.R. Rajagopal
Pages 407-444

Chapter 8 - The Navier–Stokes System in Domains with Cylindrical Outlets to Infinity. Leray's Problem
K. Pileckas
Pages 445, 447-647

Chapter 9 - Periodic Homogenization Problems in Incompressible Fluid Equations*
C. Conca, M. Vanninathan
Pages 649-698