Watkinson, Sarah

The Fungi / - Elsevier, 2015

Chapter 1 - Fungal Diversity
Nicholas P. Money
Pages 1-36

Chapter 2 - Fungal Cell Biology and Development
Nicholas P. Money
Pages 37-66

Chapter 3 - Spore Production, Discharge, and Dispersal
Nicholas P. Money
Pages 67-97

Chapter 4 - Genetics – Variation, Sexuality, and Evolution
Lynne Boddy
Pages 99-139

Chapter 5 - Physiology and Adaptation
Sarah C. Watkinson
Pages 141-187

Chapter 6 - Molecular Ecology
Sarah C. Watkinson
Pages 189-203

Chapter 7 - Mutualistic Symbiosis Between Fungi and Autotrophs
Sarah C. Watkinson
Pages 205-243

Chapter 8 - Pathogens of Autotrophs
Lynne Boddy
Pages 245-292

Chapter 9 - Interactions with Humans and Other Animals
Lynne Boddy
Pages 293-336

Chapter 10 - Interactions Between Fungi and Other Microbes
Lynne Boddy
Pages 337-360

Chapter 11 - Fungi, Ecosystems, and Global Change
Lynne Boddy
Pages 361-400

Chapter 12 - Fungi and Biotechnology
Nicholas P. Money
Pages 401-424

Appendix - Glossary of Common Mycological (and Related) Terms
Pages 425-429