Letcher, Trevor

Waste / - Elsevier, 2011

Chapter 1 - Trends in Waste Management
Valerie L. Shulman
Pages 3-10

Chapter 2 - Green Engineering and Sustainable Design Aspects of Waste Management
Daniel A. Vallero
Pages 11-21

Chapter 3 - Regulation of Wastes
Daniel A. Vallero and Trevor M. Letcher
Pages 23-59

Chapter 4 - Waste Collection
Fraser McLeod and Tom Cherrett
Pages 61-73

Chapter 5 - Mine Waste: A Brief Overview of Origins, Quantities, and Methods of Storage
Geoffrey Blight
Pages 77-88

Chapter 6 - Metal Waste
Thomas Pretz and Jörg Julius
Pages 89-99

Chapter 7 - Radioactive Waste Management
John E. Marra and Ronald A. Palmer
Pages 101-108

Chapter 8 - Municipal Waste Management
Agamuthu Periathamby
Pages 109-125

Chapter 9 - Wastewater: Reuse-Oriented Wastewater Systems—Low- and High-Tech Approaches for Urban Areas
Ralf Otterpohl and Christopher Buzie
Pages 127-136

Chapter 10 - Recovered Paper
Gary M. Scott
Pages 137-149

Chapter 11 - Glass Waste
John H. Butler and Paul Hooper
Pages 151-165

Chapter 12 - Textile Waste
Andreas Bartl
Pages 167-179

Chapter 13 - Chemicals in Waste: Household Hazardous Waste
Rebecca Slack and Trevor M. Letcher
Pages 181-195

Chapter 14 - Reusing Nonhazardous Industrial Waste Across Business Clusters
Marian Chertow and Jooyoung Park
Pages 197-206

Chapter 15 - Construction Waste
Mohamed Osmani
Pages 207-218

Chapter 16 - Thermal Waste Treatment
Daniel A. Vallero
Pages 219-231

Chapter 17 - Thermochemical Treatment of Plastic Solid Waste
Paola Lettieri and Sultan M. Al-Salem
Pages 233-242

Chapter 18 - Air Pollution: Atmospheric Wastes
Daniel A. Vallero
Pages 243-264

Chapter 19 - Ocean Pollution
J. Vinicio Macías-Zamora
Pages 265-279

Chapter 20 - Electronic Waste
Jirang Cui and Hans Jørgen Roven
Pages 281-296

Chapter 21 - Tyre Recycling
Valerie L. Shulman
Pages 297-320

Chapter 22 - Battery Waste
Ash Genaidy and Reynold Sequeira
Pages 321-328

Chapter 23 - Medical Waste
Andrew L. Shannon and Anne Woolridge
Pages 329-339

Chapter 24 - Agricultural Waste and Pollution
R. Nagendran
Pages 341-355

Chapter 25 - Military Solid and Hazardous Wastes—Assessment of Issues at Military Facilities and Base Camps
Victor F. Medina and Scott A. Waisner
Pages 357-376

Chapter 26 - Space Waste
Gene Stansbery
Pages 377-391

Chapter 27 - Hazardous Wastes
Daniel A. Vallero
Pages 393-423

Chapter 28 - Thermal Pollution
Daniel A. Vallero
Pages 425-443

Chapter 29 - Land Pollution
Daniel J. Vallero and Daniel A. Vallero
Pages 445-466

Page 467

Chapter 30 - Landfills – Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Geoffrey Blight
Pages 469-485

Chapter 31 - Pollution Management and Responsible Care
Nicholas P. Cheremisinoff
Pages 487-502

Chapter 32 - Risk Assessment, Management, and Accountability
Daniel A. Vallero
Pages 503-540

Pages 541-543