Joshua Millspaugh, Frank R. Thompson

Models for Planning Wildlife Conservation in Large Landscapes / - Elsevier, 2009

Chapter 1 - General Principles for Developing Landscape Models for Wildlife Conservation
Pages 1-31

Chapter 2 - Application of Population Viability Analysis to Landscape Conservation Planning
Pages 33-49

Chapter 3 - Multispecies Conservation Planning on U.S. Federal Lands
Pages 51-83

Chapter 4 - Geographic Approaches to Biodiversity Conservation: Implications of Scale and Error to Landscape Planning
Pages 85-121

Chapter 5 - Social and Economic Considerations for Planning Wildlife Conservation in Large Landscapes
Pages 123-152

Chapter 6 - Landscape Considerations for Conservation Planning on Private Lands
Pages 153-176

Chapter 7 - A Multiscale, Stepwise Approximation Approach for Wildlife Conservation Assessment and Planning
Pages 177-200

Chapter 8 - An Emerging Agency-Based Approach to Conserving Populations Through Strategic Habitat Conservation
Pages 201-223

Chapter 9 - A Review of Methods for Quantifying Wildlife Habitat in Large Landscapes
Pages 225-250

Chapter 10 - Wildlife Habitat-Relationships Models: Description and Evaluation of Existing Frameworks
Pages 251-285

Chapter 11 - Lessons Learned from Using GIS to Model Landscape-Level Wildlife Habitat
Pages 287-320

Chapter 12 - A Review of LANDIS and Other Forest Landscape Models for Integration with Wildlife Models
Pages 321-338

Chapter 13 - Simulating Landscape Change Using the Landscape Management System
Pages 339-366

Chapter 14 - Development and Application of Habitat Suitability Models to Large Landscapes
Pages 367-389

Chapter 15 - Modeling Understory Vegetation and Its Response to Fire
Pages 391-414

Chapter 16 - Validation of Landscape-Scale Decision Support Models That Predict Vegetation and Wildlife Dynamics
Pages 415-448

Chapter 17 - Methods for Determining Viability of Wildlife Populations in Large Landscapes
Pages 449-471

Chapter 18 - Dynamic Landscape Metapopulation Models and Sustainable Forest Management
Pages 473-499

Chapter 19 - Habitat Networks for Terrestrial Wildlife: Concepts and Case Studies
Pages 501-531

Chapter 20 - Landscape-Level Planning for Conservation of Wetland Birds in the U.S. Prairie Pothole Region
Pages 533-560

Chapter 21 - Plum Creek's Central Cascades Habitat Conservation Plan and Modeling for the Northern Spotted Owl
Pages 561-592

Chapter 22 - Application of Models to Conservation Planning for Terrestrial Birds in North America
Pages 593-624

Chapter 23 - Modeling Bird Responses to Predicted Changes in Land Cover in an Urbanizing Region
Pages 625-659

Chapter 24 - A Decision Framework for Choosing Models in Large-Scale Wildlife Conservation Planning
Pages 661-674