Sivanpillai, Ramesh

Biological and Environmental Hazards, Risks, and Disasters / - Elsevier, 2015.

Chapter 1 - Introduction to Biological and Environmental Hazards, Risks, and Disasters

Chapter 2 - Algal Blooms

Chapter 3 - Large-Scale Grasshopper Infestations on North American Rangeland and Crops

Chapter 4 - Locusts: An Introduction

Chapter 4.1 - The Australian Plague Locust—Risk and Response

Chapter 4.2 - Desert Locust

Chapter 4.3 - Other Locusts

Chapter 5 - Decline of Bees and Other Pollinators

Chapter 6 - Bark Beetle-Induced Forest Mortality in the North American Rocky Mountains

Chapter 7 - Novel Approaches for Reversible Field Releases of Candidate Weed Biological Control Agents: Putting the Genie Back into the Bottle

Chapter 8 - Animal Hazards—Their Nature and Distribution

Chapter 9 - Loss of Biodiversity: Concerns and Threats

Chapter 10 - Chronic Environmental Diseases: Burdens, Causes, and Response

Chapter 11 - Land Degradation and Environmental Change

Chapter 11.1 - Desertification

Chapter 11.2 - Grassland Degradation

Chapter 11.3 - Land Degradation in Rangeland Ecosystems

Chapter 12 - Deforestation

Chapter 12.1 - Deforestation in Southeast Asia

Chapter 12.2 - Deforestation in Nepal: Causes, Consequences, and Responses

Chapter 12.3 - Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon

Chapter 13 - Ecological Impacts of Climate Change

Chapter 14 - Meteor Impact Hazard