Ul-Haq, Zaheer

Frontiers in Computational Chemistry: Volume 1 / - Elsevier, 2016.

Chapter 1 - Computational Strategies to Incorporate GPCR Complexity in Drug Design
Maria Marti-Solano, Agnieszka A. Kaczor, ... Jana Selent

Chapter 2 - Knowledge-Based Drug Repurposing: A Rational Approach Towards the Identification of Novel Medical Applications of Known Drugs
Carolina L. Bellera, Mauricio E. Di Ianni, ... Alan Talevi

Chapter 3 - Tuning the Solvation Term in the MM-PBSA/GBSA Binding Affinity Predictions
Irene Maffucci and Alessandro Contini

Chapter 4 - Recent Advances in the Discovery and Development of Protein-Protein Interaction Modulators by Virtual Screening
Dik-Lung Ma, Li-Juan Liu, ... Chung-Hang Leung

Chapter 5 - Computational Design of Biological Systems: From Systems to Synthetic Biology
Milsee Mol and Shailza Singh

Chapter 6 - Considering the Medium when Studying Biologically Active Molecules: Motivation, Options and Challenges
Liliana. Mammino and Mwadham M. Kabanda

Chapter 7 - A Novel Coarse-Grained Description of Protein Structure and Folding by UNRES Force Field and Discrete Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation
Adam Liwo, Antti Niemi, ... Adam K. Sieradzan

Chapter 8 - Computational Chemistry Strategies Tackling Function and Inhibition of Pharmaceutically Relevant Targets
Michele Cascella, Matteo Dal Peraro and Marco De Vivo